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瓦努阿图大力促进私营经济的增长。Vanuatu strongly promotes private sector led growth.

瓦努阿图人民始终把中国视为他们最好的朋友。The Vanuatu people have always viewed China as their best friend.

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不只有万那杜从战争的堆积物中得到好处。It is not just Vanuatu that is benefiting from the detritus of war.

面部涂有黑灰的瓦努阿图少年。Malekula island Vanuatu. His face is covered with ash for the dance.

瓦努阿图位于澳大利亚东海岸附近。The Republic of Vanuatu is located near the east coast of Australia.

温家宝表示,中国政府重视中瓦关系。Wen noted that the Chinese government values China- Vanuatu relations.

瓦努阿图处在低地的居民已经疏散,并转移到了地势高的地方。In Vanuatu residents evacuated low-lying areas and fled to higher ground.

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我们正身处位于南太平洋瓦努阿图列岛的雅克村。We are in the Yakel Village on the South Pacific island chain of Vanuatu.

我很荣幸以总统的身份向您介绍瓦努阿图共和国。It is my privilege as President to introduce you to the Republic of Vanuatu.

瓦努阿图是一个岛屿国家,人口有267000人。Vanuatu is an island country there with a population of about 267,000 people.

瓦努阿图是少数几个由两个国家共同殖民的国家之一。Vanuatu was one of the few places that was colonised jointly by two countries.

瓦努阿图还是一个高品质咖啡的出口国,并产生了许多保健产品。Vanuatu is a high quality coffee exporter, and produces many health care products.

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在通过使用椰子油代替柴油作为燃料方面,瓦努阿图是世界的领先者。Vanuatu is a world leader in the adoption of coconut oil as a replacement for diesel fuel.

瓦努阿图的制作业虽小,但很专业,主要处理自然产物。Manufacturing in Vanuatu is small, but specialised, and largely derived from natural products.

首先生产出来的这种手机将于6月在巴布亚新几内亚、汤加和瓦努阿图出售。The first phones to be manufactured will be sold in Papua New Guinea, Tonga and Vanuatu in June.

五旬节的陆上跳水员是现代跳水运动的先驱。Land diving, Vanuatu. "The land divers of Pentecost are the fore-runners of modern bungy jumping."

瓦努阿图位于环太平洋地震多发带,曾多次发生强烈地震。Vanuatu in the Pacific Rim earthquake-prone zone, a strong earthquake occurred on several occasions.

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瑙鲁坚持一个中国政策,并认为与中国发展关系符合南太各岛国的利益。Developing Vanuatu–China relations is in line with the fundamental interests of the people of Vanuatu.

库克群岛,基里巴斯,纽埃,汤加,所罗门群岛,斐济和瓦努阿图也都处于危险之中。The Cook Islands, Kiribati, Niue, Tonga, the Solomon Islands, Fiji and Vanuatu could also all be at risk.

1906年处在法国和英国联盟的控制之下,新赫布里底于1980年作为瓦努阿图而赢得了独立。Under joint French and British control after 1906, New Hebrides achieved independence as Vanuatu in 1980.