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必须这样干才叫做服从战争。Subordinating everything to the war effort means just this.

个人权利是使社会服从道德法则的手段。Individual rights are the means of subordinating society to moral law.

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从属连词连接一个独立从句和一个附属从句。A subordinating conjunction joins a independent an clause and a clause which is subordinate.

Charder的下属工厂,均坐落在中国沿海城市,尤其是本工厂。The subordinating factories of CHARDER are all located in China's coastal cities, so it is with this factory.

从属连词链接从句,使从属连词后面的从句变成附属从句。A subordinating conjunction connect the clauses, makeing the clauses that follow the conjunction a subordinate clause.

随著冲突接踵而来,市长警告他的弟弟,著他应该让自己服从大部份人的想法。As the conflict ensues , the Mayor warns his brother that he should "acquiesce in subordinating himself to the community".

拉维一直为追求大刀阔斧的重组共和党、使其能以政党利益为重的梦想而劳心劳力。Mr Rove was obsessed by pursuing his dream of a rolling Republican realignment, subordinating everything to party politics.

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审讯不仅变成获取情报的过程,还成为了彻底羞辱阶下囚的过程。The interrogation became a process not justof getting information but of utterly subordinating the detainee throughhumiliation.

取消“边境易货项下支付定金或贸易从属费”的审批项目。To abolish the examination and approval items concerning "down payment and subordinating expenditures under border barter trade".

本文探讨了基于经济学的项目管理理论为何应服从于生产理论。This paper explores the alternative of subordinating the economics-based theory of project management to the theory of production.

赔偿委员会作赔偿决定,实行少数服从多数的原则。In making decisions on compensations, compensation commissions shall implement the principle of the minority subordinating to the majority.

通过使政治权利从属于法治,美国人确保了他们的权利受到保护、他们的自由得以存续。By subordinating political power to the rule of law, Americans have ensured the protection of their rights and the survival of their freedom.

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建筑物可靠性等级隶属度与评价因素权重的合理确定,是模糊综合评判的前提与基础。The subordinating function and classification judgment of buildings are the premise and basis for the fuzzy judgment of building reliability.

这种理想表现为妇女安静地退居幕后,将自己的生活和需要屈从于家庭和男性主人的需要。This ideal presents a woman who withdraws quietly to the background, subordinating her life and needs to those of her family and its male head.

这种理想表现为一个妇女安静地退居幕后,将她自身的生活和需要附属于她的家庭及其男性主人的生活和需要。This ideal presents a woman who withdraws quietly to the background, subordinating her life and needs to those of her family and its male head.

其中,本文列举了属连词引导条件状语从句一直是英语学习中的重点之一。Of all, the item of subordinating conjunctions introducing adverbial clauses of condition is always one of the focal points of English studying.

国防建设服从和服务于国家经济建设大局,国防建设与经济建设协调发展。Subordinating national defense to, and placing it in the service of, the nation's overall economic construction, and achieving their coordinated development.

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劳动关系的从属性限制了劳动者隐私权受保护的范围和程度,同时也对雇主提出保护劳动者隐私权的要求。The subordinating natures of labor relationship not only limit the scope and degree of workers' privacy protection, but also urge employers to protect workers' privacy.

如今的许多父母很不明智,把长大的孩子依然当小娃娃对待,限制他们的独立,让孩子发展的需要服从于父母自己的情感需要。Many parents today unwittingly infantilize their children and constrain their independence, subordinating their children's developmental needs to their own emotional needs.

而事实上,上海世纪互联信息系统有限公司和真正的世纪互联公司并不存在任何隶属关系。And in fact, limited company of system of information of Shanghai century interconnection and real century interconnection company are not put in any subordinating relation.