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不要浪费你的精力。Don't dissipate your efforts.

气流有助于散热。Airflow helps to dissipate heat.

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云在风前消散。Clouds dissipate before the wind.

警察立刻驱散了暴民。The police managed to dissipate the mob in minutes.

消散在彼此眼前、苦苦哀求、换来的只是疼痛。At present, each dissipate piteously entreat, is pain.

在她年轻时她几乎是强迫地行乐。In her youth she seemed to dissipate almost compulsively.

再巨大的财富,一两代人后也会消散殆尽。Even large fortunes can dissipate after a generation or two.

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我不能这样待着,我会消散或窒息或——“妈妈!I can't stay like this, I'll dissipate or suffocate or—"Mom!

树会成长,变化,消失,就跟天空的浮云一样。Trees grow and change and dissipate like their airborn cousins.

同云朵一样,树也会成长、变化、消散。Trees grow and change and dissipate like their airbornecousins.

树会成长、变化、老去,就跟天空的浮云一样。Trees grow and change and dissipate like their airborne cousins.

这些痛苦、折磨和动荡可在重铸后消散。The pain, turmoil and suffering shall dissipate following recasting.

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贡夫却在暗中散掉了魔力。蓝色的光芒熄灭了。Gromph silently bid the magic to dissipate. The blue light winked out.

咬咬牙打算买两本书回去看着解闷。Bite to plan to buy two books return to seeing at to dissipate sorrows.

为了散发热量,我们的身体会流汗,流失大量的水分。To dissipate this heat, our bodies perspire, using large amounts of water.

政府官员警示民众,雨水有可能再一次来袭,但最晚会于周一消退。Officials warned further rains was possible but should dissipate by Monday.

但是过一会,你就会习惯的,不舒适感也会开始消失。But after a while you get used to it and the discomfort starts to dissipate.

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作为“吹泡泡”的动力起源,“动物精神①”也将在最后云消雾散。Animal spirits, always the fuel in a bubble, are the last thing to dissipate.

所以科学家们就尽可能收集数据,剩下的就自生自灭吧。So scientists collect what they can and let the rest dissipate into the ether.

未点燃的灵魂,正如我们详细说明过的,身体死亡之后马上就会消失。Unsparked souls, as we have detailed, dissipate immediately upon death of the body.