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它们染红了群山。They redden the hills now.

同您谈话很愉快。I saw him redden with pleasure.

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黑莓开始变红了。Blackberries beginning to redden.

人类愤怒时会脸红。Humans redden when they are angry.

到时阿瑞梭莎在新河也会脸红。Then Arethusa will redden a new river.

巨大的尘埃墙遮蔽了其他年轻的恒星,把它们“染”成红色。Vast walls of dust hide and redden other hot young stars.

这个结婚照画得真是让我面红耳赤。This wedding shines on to paint really make me redden up to the ears.

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比如,母狒狒和母猩猩就都会在快要排卵时变成红色。Female baboons and chimpanzees redden when nearing ovulation, for example.

韩学愈似乎脸色微红,像阴天忽透太阳。Han seemed to redden slightly, like the sun suddenly showing through on a cloudy day.

她看到我的脸变红,她有点嘲笑我,拉我到她的床上。She saw my face redden , and she teased me a little, pulling me onto the bed with her.

当她开始涂口红和梳理头发时,她的双手冰冷发抖。Her hands were cold and shaky when she began to redden her lips and run a comb through her hair.

妇女早在路易十四的法院用来吃柠檬,以清新的气息和发红的嘴唇。Women as far back as Louis XIV's court used to eat lemons to freshen their breath and redden their lips.

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妇女早在路易十四的法院用来吃柠檬,以清新的气息和脸红的嘴唇。Women as far back as Louis XIV's court used to eat lemons to freshen their breath and redden their lips.

几头牛和几头役用马在一排小檫树下偷闲,檫树的叶尖刚刚开始发红。The cows and draft horses lazed under a row of young sassafras trees, whose leaf tips were just beginning to redden.

江南的熏暖,开始向北国的冷酷走去,踏翠了大地,踏红了季节。The warm of the southern land begins to walk to the chill of the north, its steps green the land and redden the season.

二十九岁的时候,他学会了讲黄色笑话,并且以看旁边的女孩子脸红为乐趣。At his age of 29, he has learnt to say dirty jokes, enjoying in watching girls beside him getting redden and embarrassed.

这时她就从口袋里掏出那首印好的致命的歌曲,我的耳朵就开始红了起来,并伴有耳鸣。Then from her pocket would come forth printed copies of that fateful composition, and my ears begin to redden and tingle.

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今天是父亲节,你不知道吧?祝老爸身体健康,生意兴隆,股票“变红”!Today is a Father's Day, you do not know?Wish the old daddy healthy body, the business is prosperous, the stock" redden"!

最重要的是,浅黄色的颜色是米色为我难以匹配浅黄肤色趋于变红了不起的比赛。Most importantly, the buff beige color is a terrific match for my difficult-to-match light yellow tending to redden complexion.

提出了正常使用变红、变橙和非受冻粉碎后的可使用性与受冻粉碎后工作交换容量的不可恢复性。The normal use redden. Variable and non-frozen orange crush of accessibility and regrowth after smashing exchange capacity can not recover.