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大部分情况下他们都很友好。In most cases they are friendly and peaceable.

他要我以后不要再做事了,享点清福。He wants me henceforth don't work afresh, enjoyed some peaceable life.

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那是一个好姑娘,不上跳舞会,性子也安静。She was a good girl, who did not go to the ball, and who was very peaceable.

同学们之间的谈话有时是会有这种平静的喧嚷的。Conversations between comrades sometimes are subject to these peaceable tumults.

耶和华发出猛烈的怒气,平安的羊圈就都寂静无声。And the peaceable habitations are cut down because of the fierce anger of the LORD.

巴狄斯丁姑娘,完全宁静自如,坐在他的左边。Mademoiselle Baptistine, perfectly peaceable and natural, took her seat at his left.

你的眼睛和我的眼睛将永远看不到这种情况的发生,美国绝不会有和平脱离联邦的事情发生。Your eyes and mine will never see that happen. There can be no such thing as peaceable secession.

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“是啊,”邓布利多说道,“我相信当我们去拿魂器时,就会发现它们不那么安静了。"Yes, " said Dumbledore. "I am sure that once we take the Horcrux, we shall find them less peaceable.

直到通过对话找到一个和平的解决办法,这个政权所寻求的稳定就继续不会出现。The very stability the regime seeks will continue to be elusive until a peaceable solution can be found through dialogue.

现在想来,德克勒克的工作就是为南非白人势力进行尽可能有利的和平谈判。DeKlerk's job, in retrospect, was to negotiate the surrender of white power on as favorable and peaceable terms as possible.

君主拥有绝对的权力,它高于所有的平民机构或是教会机构,支配着和平的国家。The sovereign holds total power over all the institutions of civilian and ecclesiastical life, holding sway over a kind of peaceable kingdom.