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他是铁钩船长虎克。He's Captain Hook.

我问那个队长。I asked the captain.

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谁是总领队?Who is Team Captain?

上校到达舰桥!Captain on the bridge!

舟长在梁上。Captain on the bridge.

这是马口上尉吗?Is this Captain Marco?

铁钩船长虎克很害怕。Captain Hook is afraid.

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船长记航海日志。The captain keeps a log.

他是个勇敢的般长。He is courageous captain.

这艘船有金船长指挥。The ship is Captain King.

上校军阶高于上尉。A colonel ranks a captain.

塞鲁船长没说话。Captain Seru said nothing.

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委派他任上尉。He was accredited captain.

副队长是费迪南德。The captain is John Terry.

他认识麦根队长吗?。Does he know Captain McGan?

他被擢升为船长。He was promoted to captain.

船长是王国伟。The Captain is Wang Guowei.

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队长驱散了他们。The captain dispersed them.

队长有病时,副队长领队。The captain leads his team.

塞鲁船长喝了一口水。Captain Seru began drinking.