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闻起来像是百味袋。It smells like a potpourri bag.

为蓝妹妹旳百花香种些土豆。Grow some potatoes for Smurfette's potpourri.

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或者把它用水煮到黄褐色来做混合香料?Or boil it in water with cinnamon to use as potpourri?

对不起,我打翻了你地上的百花香盆。I'm afraid I've knocked your bowl of potpourri on the floor.

花香也一阵一阵地从下面飘上楼来,仿佛把中缅友谊熏得更加芬芳。And the potpourri was waving around, making the friendship much more fragrance.

在已经没有香味的干花袋中加入几滴精油,可使其重新恢复芳香。Potpourri which has lost its scent can be revived by adding a few drops of essential oil.

适量水中加入几滴精油,缓慢加热进行香薰或将精油滴入干花罐中。Add a few drops essential oil to a pan of water and simmer on stove or in a potpourri pot.

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此系列的护唇油内含有漂亮的乾燥花,让您有不同的乾燥花可以选择。The Potpourri Lip Balm contains beautiful potpourri. You could choose different potpourri in it.

他是小精灵和小淘气,他常把天籁之音和巴黎的声调和成一锅大杂烩。An observing urchin and a rogue, he made a potpourri of the voices of nature and the voices of Paris.

有多少网站,你碰到即围绕一个文摘的题目都来自同一个网站吗?How many websites do you come across that focus on a potpourri of topics all from the one same website?

互联网是一个真正的文摘信息,这是它的一个强项,但也是其弱点。The Internet is truly a potpourri of information-that's one of its strengths, but it's also one of its weaknesses.

Fry说,通常人们会通过摆放几盘百花香或者在灯泡上涂精油来缓解这个情况。Often, people try to mitigate that problem by putting out bowls of potpourri or dabbing essential oils on light bulbs.

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在牛仔裤自然晾干的同时,他会把有树林气味的香囊塞在牛仔裤里。While letting the jeans air-dry, he may slip a "woodsy" scented sachet of potpourri into the jeans as he lays them flat.

别告诉我你内衣抽屉里的那个袋子只装的香料?还有你浴室里的验尿棒,难道是用来检测糖尿病的吗?。Telling me the baggie in your underwear drawer is potpourri?And the pee stick in your bathroom Is to check for diabetes ?

具明亮的宝石红色,入口呈跟泥土气和野味有强烈反差的玫瑰花香料混合香气。A potpourri of rose petal and spice aromas are a surprising contrast to the earthy, gamey flavors which unfold in the mouth.

几年前,为了给佛蒙特的一位女士创造一个愉悦的环境,有位女士梦想去夏威夷,但是她没有足够的钱。To create a happy environment for a woman in Vermont some years ago, Ms. Fry and her organization went way beyond potpourri.

具明亮的宝石红色,入口呈跟泥土气和野味有强烈反差的玫瑰花香料混合香气。A potpourri of rose petal and spice aromas are a surprising contrast to the earthy, gamey flavours which unfold in the mouth.

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Fry说,通常人们会通过摆放几盘百花香或者在灯泡上涂精油来缓解这个情况。Fry said.Often, people try to mitigate that problem by putting out bowls of potpourri or dabbing essential oils on light bulbs.

Fry说,通常人们会通过摆放几盘百花香或者在灯泡上涂精油来缓解这个情况。Fry said. Often, people try to mitigate that problem by putting out bowls of potpourri or dabbing essential oils on light bulbs.

他有六个社会福利卡,七份驾照,一大堆选民登记卡,还有用不同姓名开的银行账户。He had six Social Security cards, seven driver’s licenses, a potpourri of voter-registration cards, bankbooks under a dozen names.