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以抚慰和减轻你一次次悸动着的苦痛to sooth and lessen the throbbing painful bout.

一个重新发现财富人生的雪维平皱密码!A rediscovery of fortune life sooth wrinkle code!

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这个产品很好的发挥作用,让我儿子的口腔溃疡得到缓解。This product worked well to help sooth my son's canker sores.

想用我轻柔温情的呢喃,抚慰你驿动不安的心灵。I want to sooth your upset soul with my soft and sweet whispers.

另一方面,芳香療法可以平抚脑神经系统。On the other hand, aroma therapy can ease and sooth your neural system.

将三色萃加入蒸气浴中能在精神上和身体上起到润滑并舒缓的效果。Add wild pansy to steam baths to sooth and comfort yourself mentally and physically.

对卡特来说,家人的陪伴有助于他紧张的心稍稍舒缓一些。One thing that did help sooth his anxiousness were all the familiar faces in the room.

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平和南水北调与冷却,灼热感新鲜水果和滋补成分。Calm and sooth that burning sensation with cooling and nourishing fresh fruit ingredients.

在我完成这些法律的东西之后我也可能会用到你的油膏来稳定我的思路。I may also need to use some of your ointments to sooth my head after all this legal stuff.

添加特效保湿材料,去除干燥,带给你自然光泽的肌肤。Add ultra-moisturizing ingredients to sooth away dryness, and all you're left with is radiant skin.

如同刚刚新鲜下市的有机的熏衣草及天竺葵精油可以很好的镇定肌肤。Organic lavender and geranium oils to sooth and calm the skin, as well as preserve product freshness.

那里不会有光之工作者,那里不会鼓励你进入转变进入更高的频率。There will be no Lightworkers there to sooth and try to cajole, encourage or shift you into a higher frequency.

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自动装箱可能消除了原语装箱在语法上的麻烦,但是不能消除性能上的损失。Auto-boxing might sooth the syntactic pain of primitive boxing, but it can't eliminate the performance penalties.

也让温柔的爱抚燃起新的动力,毕竟,爱才是滋润生命的感觉!And the sooth canoodle will ignite our new power. After all, love is the feeling that make our life feel abundant.

当你觉得紧张的时候,舒服地坐下来,放松一下,慢慢地喝一杯绿茶或红茶来舒缓你的神经。When you are tense, sit back comfortably, relax and slowly sip a cup of green tea or black tea to sooth your nerves.

今天我牙疼,就抹了点麻药,结果抹多了,整个嘴都麻掉了。Today, I had a toothache and applied some numbing gel to sooth the pain. Too much came out and made my whole mouth numb.

自然色系的超微细粒子,柔化细纹,舒缓倦容,预防紫外线等外界的刺激。The natural color super- corpuscule will soften the lines, sooth the tired look and prevent outside stimulations such as UV.

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泻盐可以让人体排出杂质和毒素,而精油有镇静的作用,同时花瓣使人恢复活力。The salts draw out impurities and toxins, while healing essential oils sooth & flowers rejuvenate. Suitable for all skin types.

茉莉龙珠有提神功效,可安定情绪及舒解郁闷。有慢性支气管炎的人宜多饮用,此外它对于便秘也有帮助。Jasmine Ball help to refresh and calm our nerves. Especially good for breathing system, and can also help to sooth constipation.

诸如此类的时刻很少,所以我们总是提起它们来抚慰我们日益冰冷的心,以便保持它们的新鲜。Moments like these are rare and we keep them fresh by bringing them up to the surface to sooth our aching hearts that are waxing cold.