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为什么修订UML是必要的呢?Why was it necessary to revise UML?

如何比较它与ADLs和UMLHow does this compare to ADLs and UML?

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查找题名带有”UML”的书籍时,共有293个匹配项。Searching for books with "UML" in the title produced 293 matches.

实例证明,该方法可以从UML状态图得出软件的测试路径。It is proved that this method can get test path from UML statecharts.

转换过程为每一个UML组件生成一个单一的IDL文件。The transformation generates a single IDL file for each UML component.

UML是一种可视化的建模语言,是面向对象分析与设计的重要工具。UML is a visual modeling language, and is an important tool of OOA &OOD.

是一种图形化的建模语言,是面向对象分析与设计的一种标准表示。The UML is a kind of graphical modeling language, supporting OOA and OOD.

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这些模型利用叫作UML和AADL的符号表示法构建。The models are represented using the notations known as the UML and AADL.

转换过程忽略了那些UML组件所没有包含的元素。The transformation ignores elements that are not owned by a UML component.

UML因为只获得了31个直接选举席位,誓言会退出下届政府。With only 31 directly elected seats, the UML vowed to quit the government.

目的使用UML对数据模式进行规范化描述。Objective Use the methoed of UML to describe the data model in normatively.

本文将为您提供一种关于从UML到CORBA转换的总的看法。This article will give you an overview of transformation from UML to CORBA.

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最初的建模工具在对待类似MDA和UML这类标准上都有些“教条化”。The first modeling tools where “dogmatic” with standards such as MDA and UML.

你要用这种方法来搞清楚你的代码是如何可视化为UML模型的。You are doing it this way to see how your code is visualized as an UML model.

除了组件之外,您只能使用简单的标识符重命名UML元素。Except for components, you can only rename UML elements with simple identifiers.

UML的目标是以面向对象的方式来描述任何类型的系统。The UML objective is to describe any kind of system in Object-Oriented diagrams.

这些概念在像UML这样的更通用建模语言中并没有涉及。These constructs are not covered by more general modeling languages such as UML.

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需求图、参数图以及分配图是UML中所没有的新图。Requirements, Parametrics, and Allocations are new diagrams not available in UML.

UML已经是软件建模方面的标准语言,UML状态图描述系统在其生命周期中的动态行为。The UML statecharts describes some dynamic behavior of a system in its lifecycle.

UML状态机符号帮助我们描述并研究了各种状态。The UML state-machine notation helps us depict and investigate the various states.