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她必须切除每一片癌变的组织。She must excise every scrap of cancerous tissue.

但假如是个能导致细胞癌变的基因呢What if this is a gene that's causing a cell to be cancerous?

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癌旁组织和非肿瘤组织未检出。No HPV was detected in para cancerous and non tumorous tissues.

许多这样的基因是通过观察癌细胞才被发现的。Many of these genes have been found by looking at cancerous cells.

美国一年有大约一万新的神经胶质瘤癌症。United States has about ten thousand new cancerous gliomas a year.

在这种自己讨厌自己的情况里,细胞决定并最终变得染上癌症。In a state of self-hatred, the cells contract and become cancerous.

喝珍珠奶茶中的“珍珠”会得癌证吗?。Can the " pearl " in drinking pearl tea with milk get cancerous card?

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美国每年大约新增1万名胶质瘤患者。The United States has about ten thousand new cancerous gliomas a year.

在最近几个月,一些受害者的癌症,瘤子曾被诊断出。In the last months by some victims, cancerous tumors have been diagnosed.

进一步的X光和核磁共振发现了他左腿一个8英寸大的癌肿。A follow-up X-ray and MRI of his left leg revealed an 8-inch cancerous tumor.

破坏公共财产的行为,象癌肿一样正大规模地在房地产业中日益增长。Vandalism is increasing on the large housing estates like a cancerous growth.

正是因为这一原因,在性质上肿瘤增生经常是硬块的。It is for this reason that cancerous tumors are often hardened masses in nature.

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能不能完全区别非常重要,因为非分化细胞带有癌变的可能。This is important because undifferentiated cells carry risk of turning cancerous.

但这一过程随后会杀死该细胞,这意味着它是不可能发生癌变的。But this process then kills the cell which should mean it cannot become cancerous.

提升到现在,他们已经患癌症或癌症早期疾病超过18次。They have become cancerous and pre-cancerous over 18 times in their ascent to date.

割除癌变的前列腺可以降低因患前列腺癌而死亡的几率。Removing a cancerous prostate gland reduces the chance of dying from prostate caner.

阐述周仲瑛教授的“癌毒”学术思想。To elucidate the academic thought of Professor ZHOU Zhong-ying about cancerous toxin.

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哪些事项的区别是在抗逆性之间的健康的和癌变的细胞。What matters is the difference in stress resistance between healthy and cancerous cells.

冠瘿是无组织的正在不断增殖的植物细胞所组成的癌状物。Crown galls are cancerous growths composed of disorganized and proliferating plant cells.

奥运会之后,尚托回家了手术切除癌细胞的增长。Following the Games, Shanteau returned home and had surgery to remove the cancerous growth.