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制作酵头时需要酵母。To make sourdough you need a starter.

这将开始一个拓荒者的味道。Which will have started to taste like a sourdough.

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此书籍开启了大门,一个非常简单的方法来拓荒者。This books opens the door to a very simple approach to sourdough.

如果喜欢酸酵口味的话,把发好的面团搅拌后再醒发一次。If you prefer a sourdough taste, then stir it down and have it rise again.

这样你可以保持一个拓荒者将永远没有任何额外的工作。In this way you can keep a sourdough going forever, without any additional work.

本研究为冷冻酸面团的生产打下了理论基础。The research built a foundation for the development of frozen sourdough production.

我会混合在一个以前混合,周老面团大块,以提高拓荒者的发展。I would mix in a hunk of the previously mixed, week old dough to enhance the sourdough development.

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酵母面包是一种发酵了的面包,它含有乳酸菌,发酵大豆中也含有乳酸菌。Sourdough bread is a fermented bread which contains lactic acid bacteria and so does fermented soy.

订自旧金山的法国鹅肝、酵头和普里耶舍橄榄面包直到周二才送到。The foie gras, sourdough and olive Pugliese breads from San Francisco did not arrive until Tuesday.

用平底锅泛烤一片发酵面包直至烤成烤面包,在烤好的面包上分散地洒上橄榄油,并在上面涂上一层融化了的黑巧克力。Pan-grill a slice of sourdough bread until toasted, drizzle with olive oil and cover with melted dark chocolate.

它包含许多植酸,植酸是一种可以在发酵面包中找到,但不能在酵母面包中找到的酸。Well, it contains lots of phytic acid, an acid which can also be found in yeast bread but not in sourdough bread.

全部土匪天然酵母面包均以法式方法滋养,分为裸麦及小麦两大类。Tufei sourdough breads are cultivated in traditional French style with two major types, sourdough rye and pain au levain.

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国外已开展多年酸面团的研究,其微生物,尤其是乳酸菌的研究已取得较大成就。Sourdough had been studied many years in foreign. They have made great achievements in Sourdough microorganism, especially lactic acid bacteria.

非传统谷物和小麦相比,在发酵过程中产生的乳酸菌的细胞密度相似。During sourdough fermentations, starter lactic acid bacteria was reported to reach similar cell densities in the non-conventional grain sourdoughs as in the wheat.

所有土匪天然酵母面包均培养自我们的天然酵母面包种,在漫长的发酵过程中绝无添加任何商用酵母或化学剂。Tufei sourdough breads are cultivated in traditional French style natural leaven, where raisins are used to nourish the live yeast culture at the elementary stage.

通过多次纯天然发酵过程制作而成的液体酸面团添加剂,适用于制作各种欧式酸面包。BAS Light Liquid sourdough produced through a completely natural multistage fermentation process. Specially elaborated for the production of all types of dark and light bread.