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营养学是什么?。What Is Dietetics?

我听说她是学营养学的。I heard that she is major in dietetics.

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此书对营养学有很大贡献。This book makes a significant contribution to dietetics.

你的饮食习惯很差,我认为你对营养学一无所知。You have a bad diet habit and I don't think you know dietetics.

现代营养学认为,柠檬具有很高的药用价值。Contemporary dietetics thinks, lemon has very high officinal value.

营养学家测定,蛋清中含大量水分、蛋白质。Dietetics home determines, a large number of moisture, protein is contained in egg white.

以往在营养学领域主要的研究课题都是如何防止营养缺乏。Anciently , in dietetics field, the primary research tasks are all about how to avert the lack of alimentation.

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食物成分的研究在食品科学和人类营养学研究中既是应用基础、又是研究工具。Food composition studies are not only basic, but also essential for many purposes in nutrition, food science, and dietetics.

卡兹博士的减肥理念和方法得到了一些营养学界人士的肯定和支持。The affirmation that the concept reducing weight of Dr. Kaci and method got a few dietetics group public figures and support.

营养学专业人士应定期监测和全身和局部的氟化物,特别是在儿童和青少年中推广使用。Dietetics professionals should routinely monitor and promote the use of systemic and topical fluorides, especially in children and adolescents.

此外,ICU成员通常包括其他很多在此学习的实习人员,如同行、居民、护生及营养学学生等。In addition, the ICU staff generally includes many other trainees who are there to learn with you such as fellows, residents, nursing students, and dietetics students.

此外,ICU成员通常包括其他很多在此学习的受训实习人员,如会员、高级专科住院实习医生、护生及营养学学生等。In addition, the ICU staff generally includes many other trainees who are there to learn with you such as fellows, residents, nursing students, and dietetics students.

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所谓营养学实在很难支配人体内的自然秩序,不仅是无理,而且是一种反自然的叛逆行为。Alleged dietetics arranges the natural order inside human body very hard really, it is unjustifiable not only, and it is a kind of traitorous action that opposes nature.

适合食品技术和相关科目学生使用,对于那些从事于公共餐饮、营养和公共环境健康的人员也同样适用。It is ideal for all students of food technology and related subjects, as well as those working for the first time in jobs such as catering, dietetics and public or environmental health.