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台南市运河。Canal of Tainan City.

这班火车什么时候到台南?What time is the train due in Tainan?

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我上个月在台南遇到她。Last month in Tainan I came across her.

那一号公车在早晨时开往台南?Which bus goes to Tainan in the morning?

安亿桥上看台南安平运河景观。View from An- Yi bridge of Tainan An-Ping canal.

我们在七月中到台南白河看他们的莲花。We went to Baihe in Tainan for its famous lotus.

本人曩昔住在台南,但如今住在台北。I used to live in tainan but now I live in Taipei.

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最后当然要台南有名的小吃来做为古迹巡礼的结尾啰!At the end, we had the famous Tainan noodles in downtown.

来分享台南县市的涂鸦照吧!You Can Post Tainan City & Tainan County Graffiti Photos !

你家在台南喔?我一直以为你是北部人。You're from Tainan? I always thought you're from the north.

台南到高雄的单程票是新台币69元。A one-way ticket from Tainan to Kaohsiung costs 69 NT dollars.

台湾高铁台南站位于台南县的归仁乡。THSR of TaiNan station is located on the KuiJen of TaiNan county.

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与DT652一起陈列于台南市体育公园的CT259。CT259 has been displayed with DT652 at Tainan Sports Park, Tainan.

与CT259一起陈列于台南市体育公园的DT652。DT652 has been displayed at Tainan Sports Park with CT259 , Tainan.

那是在新的台南科学园区里发现的,对吗?It was on the site of the new Tainan Science-based Industrial Park, right?

强台风“莫拉克”毁坏了台南美丽的小林村。The strong typhoon Morakot ruined the beautiful Xiaolin village in Tainan.

真让人吃不消,我现在得连夜开车下台南出差。This is just too much. Now I have to drive to Tainan tonight for business.

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我到了台南有名的景点,然后是具有历史意义的鹿港。I went to Tainan and enjoyed the attractions, then Lugang the historical town.

现在我在台南市东光国民小学就读。Now I study on grade six form in Tainan Municipal Dong-guang Elementary School.

台南和其周围地区有许多历史名胜可游览。Tainan and its surrounding area have many places of historical interest to visit.