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虚实转换是常见的翻译技巧。Generalization and concretization are common translating techniques.

萨特的戏剧是他哲学思想的图解和具体化。Jean-Paul Sartre's dramas are the illustration and concretization of his philosophical thoughts.

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帕森斯之后诸多有关正向教育功能的研究可在某种意义上视为帕氏思想的具体化和推衍。The studies on eufunction of education after Parsons were the concretization and the deduction of Parsons" thoughts."

本论文之目的是探讨诗歌翻译的艺术生成过程中的审美移情问题。This thesis aims to explore the significance of aesthetic empathy in the artistic concretization of poetry translation.

第二、三章具体化和审美经验是文学的艺术作品认识论的核心内容。Chapter two, three, concretization and aesthetic experience are main subjects of epistemenology of the literary work of art.

大学校园文化作为一般文化的在高校的具体化形态,是大学发展的重要基础和基本动力之一。As the concretization of morphology of the general culture, to the university development, University Campus Culture is a fundamental and basic one.

笔者认为,应抛开无谓的诉讼模式争论,研究三大义务在民事诉讼法中的具体定位才是当前的紧迫课题。It is reasonable that the debates on procedural models be stopped, and that more focus be placed on concretization of the three duties in civil procedure.

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在具体化过程中,究竟是读者占首位,抑或文本占首位,对于这个有争议的问题,英伽登的追随者伊瑟尔所持的观点更为模棱两可。Iser, a follower of Ingarden, is more ambiguous about this controversial question regarding the primacy of the reader or text in formulating a concretization.

克里普克关于先验偶然命题和后验必然命题的观点,是对蒯因关于分析命题和综合命题的观点的进一步推进和具体化。Kripke's view on the priori contingent and the posteriori necessary propositions is a development and concretization of Quine's view on analytical and synthetic propositions.

在建设中国特色社会主义过程中,我们要始终推进马克思主义中国化的进程,而具体的中国化过程是有规律可寻的。In the process of constructing socialism with Chinese characteristics, we persistently enhance sinicization of Marxism, which has some principles in concretization of sinicization.

侵权行为法是民法的有机组成部分,因此,侵权行为法的归责原则又是民法的基本原则在侵权法领域的具体化。The act of tort is the organic part of civil liability. So the responsibility imputation in the act of tort is the concretization of the basic principle of civil liability in the field of act of tort.