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看到不同的元数据研究互相结合是一件好事。It's good to see various metadata efforts coalesce.

用于分割和合并块的操作需要花费时间。Operations to split and to coalesce chunks take time.

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分配程序不能将空闲空间拼合为更大的内存块。The allocator can't coalesce free space into larger blocks.

她和瓦力用电波信号声叽叽咕咕地交流,偶尔会迸出些词语。She and Wall-E communicate in chirps and beeps that occasionally coalesce into words.

偶尔地,在你继续时,一个”巨大梦想“将会从沼泽地的雾气中映现出来。From time to time, as you continue along, a Big Dream will coalesce out of the swamp fog.

这些组件通常结合实现单个责任或一组责任。These components usually coalesce around a single responsibility or set of responsibilities.

可更换的元件可捕捉固体颗粒物,凝聚液体或消除气烟雾剂。Replaceable elements are available to trap solid particulates, coalesce liquids, or remove aerosols.

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最后它们在宽阔的河谷内连接起来,形成一个交织的河道砂系统。These may eventually coalesce to form an anas to mosing system of channel sands within a broad valley.

随着病程的发展,粘膜损害发生融合,破坏残留的粘膜以至形成线性溃疡。As the disease progresses, the mucosal erosions coalesce to linear ulcers that undermine remaining mucosa.

小行星是来自“失败”行星的岩石块,无法凝聚到已成型的行星中。Asteroids are chunks of rock from "failed" planets, which never managed to coalesce into full-sized planets.

护目镜,挡风玻璃,甚至外科内视镜上的水气如果没有聚集成水滴流走,镜面就会起雾。Goggles, windshields, even surgical endoscopes fog when minuscule vapor droplets do not coalesce and run off.

此外,有效性还不太明显的依赖于决定什么时候高速缓冲或合并它们的策略。Additionally, effectiveness less obviously depends on the policy used in deciding when to cache versus coalesce them.

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一般相信,在行星构成阶段,那些非常微小的尘埃粒由于无法与体积较大的尘埃粒融为一体而散入太空中。Very small dust particles which fail to coalesce in to larger bodies during planet formation should drift offsintosspace.

此外,这种支持需要采用一种或多种策略控制是否及如何合并小块。Additionally, support requires the adoption of one or more policies controlling whether and how to ever coalesce small chunks.

在技艺达到一定高度后,科学和艺术,便开始在美感、柔性、形式上趋向一同。After a certain high level of technical skill is achieved, science and art tend to coalesce in esthetics, plasticity, and form.

通过对星团中的恒星行为进行研究,波恩团队发现这些星团为黑洞合并提供了理想的环境。By modelling the behaviour of stars in clusters, the Bonn team finds that they are ideal environments for black holes to coalesce.

中性线近地侧的等离子体团朝着地球运动,并合并于地球附近的重联区内。The plasmoids on the earthward side of the neutral line move toward the earth and coalesce with the reconnection region near the earth.

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由一批高度自治省所组成的阿富汗结成了联盟,反对外权试图强行建立中央统治。The collection of nearly autonomous provinces which define Afghanistan coalesce in opposition to outside attempts to impose central rule.

债券投资者并不关心代议制民主为了就所需变革达成一致所遇到的困难和耗时的斗争。Bond investors don't care about the difficult and time-consuming struggles of representative democracies to coalesce around needed change.

可以对这些服务进行结合,以完成特定的业务任务,从而让您的业务快速适应不断变化的客观条件和需求。These services can coalesce to accomplish a specific business task, enabling businesses to quickly adapt to changing conditions and requirements.