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隐私和信任极其重要。Privacy and trust are vitally important.

这些言与行都极其的重要。These words and deeds are vitally important.

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当然,其他地区依然十分重要。Other regions remain vitally important, of course.

这才是上帝最真实的存在。This is where God's presence is most vitally alive.

牛奶在第三局滚地球出局,但是消耗了假日先生七个用球。Cabrera had grounded out in the third, but had vitally seen seven pitches.

拓展其他语言版本的维基百科,对维基的未来发展很重要。Foreign expansion is also vitally important to the encyclopaedia’s future.

提高最不发达国家实现发展的“造血”能力至关重要。It is vitally important to enhance the "blood making" capacity of the LDCs.

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自我控制与理性和谐的生活秩序息息相关。Self-control is vitally related with reasonable and harmonious living order.

仔猪断奶时维持液体摄取量极其重要。It is vitally important to encourage piglets to maintain fluid intake post-weaning.

自我监控活动是数学探究过程中的关键环节。Self-monitoring action was a vitally important link in mathematical inquiry learning.

中年之后,只有已为离别人生做好筹备的人,才干持续在生活中暮气沉沉。From the middle of life onward, only he remains vitally alive who is ready to die with life.

同时,我们认为加强国际合作与交流至关重要,它有利于取长补短,互相借鉴成功的经验和做法,也有利于增进互信。Meanwhile, we believe it's vitally important to boost international cooperation and exchanges.

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因此早期确诊和对心脏、肺和肾脏的密切监测是性命攸关的。So early diagnosis and close monitoring of the heart, lungs and kidneys are vitally important.

我国城市化进程的加快要求城市基础设施系统的适度超前发展。In the process of urbanization, the supply of enough urban infrastructures is vitally important.

巴基斯坦对奥巴马争取连根拔除恐怖分子和赢得阿富汗战争很重要。Pakistan is vitally important to Obama' bid to root out terrorists and win the war in Afghanistan.

切记,在同一件事情上,神为你朋友亮起通行的绿灯,对你却可能是禁行的红灯。It is vitally important to remember this. A green light for your friend may be a red light for you.

科主任的绩效评价是医院战略管理的一个重要组成部分。Performance appraisal of departmental directors is vitally integral to hospital strategy management.

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对于大家所最感兴趣的任何事物,他最多只不过出于礼貌,表示爱好而已。He was never more than politely interested in any of the things that vitally interested every one else.

作为互联网有一手,是十分重要知道你做广告宣传。As an Internet marketer , it is vitally important to know how well your advertising campaigns are doing.

因此,建立以企业战略为导向的全面预算管理体系有着重大的意义。Obviously it was vitally significant to build the strategy-oriented comprehensive budget management system.