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这条新路上荆棘丛生。The new path was a thorny one.

杂草丛中还潜伏着其它棘手的问题。Other thorny issues lurk in the weeds.

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海星的皮肤上都是带刺的疙瘩。Starfish's skin is covered with thorny bumps.

你呀,乌鸫,哨声在荆棘丛生的溪谷中鸣响。Ye wild whistling blackbirds in yon thorny den.

技术转让也将是棘手的问题。Technology transfer will also be a thorny issue.

荆棘冠冕远远超过国王的王冠。The thorny crown is more than an imperial diadem.

设计或市场调查一直是一个棘手的问题。Design or market research is always a thorny issue.

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四个棘手的IOCP编码问题和解决方法Four thorny IOCP coding hassles and their solutions

瘦小的身子,且长满疙疙瘩瘩的骨刺。A body thin and small, and bony and thorny all over.

我们可能会在各种各样的荆棘岔道上迷失自己。We can lose ourselves in all sorts of thorny byways.

对于美国来说,一直以来,种族关系恰似如鲠在喉。Race relations in the US continue to be a thorny problem.

“玫瑰巨人”的枝干多刺,粗细和男人的手指差不多。The stems are as thick as a man's finger and very thorny.

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1993年的法律是一种妥协,旨在解决一个棘手的问题。The 1993 law was a compromise aimed at resolving a thorny issue.

多刺的牧豆树无疑是另一个要素。The thorny mesquite is undoubtedly another fair conditioningtor.

回显打印是调试困难问题的最古老的方法之一。Echo printing is one of the oldest ways to debug a thorny problem.

长出红的或橘子红的浆果的欧亚的长青多刺灌木。Eurasian evergreen thorny shrubs bearing red or orange-red berries.

轿夫们,怕得发抖,躲藏在荆棘丛中。The bearers, shaking in terror, hide themselves in the thorny bush.

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不过,核能有可能帮助提供解决这个棘手问题的方案。However, nuclear energy could help provide the solution for this thorny issue.

如何从网海中快速找到自己想要的新闻是一个棘手的问题。It is a thorny question to find the desired news quickly in the sea of Internet.

更为突出的是,中国人的公司必须与难搞的监管和政治事项相角力。Moreover, Chinese firms must wrestle with thorny regulatory and political issues.