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我住在马萨诸塞州。I live in Massachusetts.

我母亲在马萨诸塞州长大。My mother grew up in Massachusetts.

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马萨诸塞州有多少钢琴调音师?How many pianoare there in Massachusetts?

麻州是一个地方,我见过。And massachusetts is one place I have seen.

马萨诸塞州的举措尤具创意。Massachusetts has been especially creative.

它设在麻省的韦尔斯利学院。It is at Wellesley College in Massachusetts.

你知道,我来自马萨诸赛州,You know, I'm from Massachusetts originally,

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我在马萨诸塞的海边小城住过。I lived in the seaside town in Massachusetts.

他上了麻州的哈佛大学。He attended Harvard University in Massachusetts.

马萨诸塞州有多少钢琴调音师?。How many piano tunersare there in Massachusetts?

马萨诸塞州有多少钢琴调音师?How many piano tuners are there in Massachusetts?

它位于马塞诸塞州的索恩。哈力克镇。It was in the town of South Hadley, Massachusetts.

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林冰同学被麻州大学录取。Lin Bing was enrolled by University of Massachusetts.

你自己从马萨褚塞一路开过来?You drove all the way from Massachusetts by yourself?

这位马萨诸塞州大学的校长then the president of the Univeristy of Massachusetts

戴蒙生长于麻萨诸塞州的剑桥市。Damon was born and raised in Cambridge, Massachusetts.

亚当斯在1735年出生在马萨诸塞湾殖民地。Adams was born in the Massachusetts Bay Colony in 1735.

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加德纳位于马萨诸塞州中北部、费奇伯格以西一城市。A city of north-central Massachusetts west of Fitchburg.

大家好,我现在麻省的伍斯特。Heeeey everybody. I'm here in Worcester , Massachusetts.

我就有这个经验,而你作为麻萨诸塞州州长是失败的。I've got it you failed as the governor of Massachusetts.