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她是2008年奥运会跳马金牌得主。She is the 2008 Olympic vault gold medalist.

她是2012年伦敦奥运会的四枚金牌得主。She is a four-time gold medalist at the 2012 Olympics.

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第三条跑道上的人是金牌获得都约翰·亨利。The one in the third lane is a Gold Medalist John Henry.

你拥有健康金奖章者的素质吗?Do you have what it takes to be a fitness gold medalist ?

目标是进入前三-,获得奖牌。Your aim is to get into the top three-- to be a medalist.

这是中国男子击剑夺得的首枚奥运金牌,也是时隔24年中国击剑队的第2枚奥运金牌。Zhong, 24, from Jiangsu, is the 2nd fencing gold medalist for China.

何雯娜今年21岁,曾在2008年奥运会拿下女子蹦床金牌。He, 21, was the gold medalist in Trampoline of the 2008 Beijing Olympics.

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我售出和使用旧的普夫吕格尔'金牌'飞辘了40多年了。I sold and used the old Pflueger ' Medalist ' fly reels for over 40 years now.

伏明霞在巴塞罗那成了中国有史以来最年轻的奥运冠军。Fu Mingxia has become China's youngest Olympic gold medalist here in Barcelona.

罗琳和赢得两枚奥运金牌的田径女将凯莉·霍尔姆斯。K. Rowling, on the other will be Kelly Holmes, the double Olympic gold medalist.

青岛小嫚儿!青岛人的骄傲!青岛人第一块奥运金牌!Proud of Qingdao Xiao'wei'er! The first gold medalist of Olymic Games in Qingdao!

中国体操代表团在2000的奥运会上获得了铜牌,而杨云也在那一届奥运会获得了高低杠的铜牌。China won the bronze medal in 2000, and Yang was a bronze medalist on uneven bars.

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今年,这位14次夺冠的金牌得主可能会带他的新女友回家见老妈了。This year, the 14-time gold medalist may have a new lady friend to bring home to Mom.

邹凯,男子团体赛金牌得主,周日晚赢得男子自由体操冠军。Zou Kai, a gold medalist in the men's team event, won the floor exercise Sunday night.

拉姆兹也是目前为止,被发现的唯一一位服用禁药的北京奥运会冠军。The Moroccan-born Ramzi was the only gold medalist in the Beijing Games caught using drugs.

前奥运女子跨栏奖牌得主纪政将将率领150名台湾健走好手前来参加。Former Olympic low hurdles medalist Chi Cheng will lead 150 Taiwanese walkers to join the event.

在中心有一面金牌墙,可以看到金牌选手的照片和介绍。There is a medalist wall in the center on which photos and autographs of gold medalists can be seen.

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东莞城市的金牌游泳者——张国英完成了城市照明的火炬跑。Dongguan city swimming gold medalist Zhang Guoying completed the run by lighting the city's cauldron.

当我们十岁时,他们又问一次,我们回答,摇滚明星、牛仔,或者以我来说,金牌得主。When we were ten, they asked again, and we answered, rock star, cowboy, or in my case, a gold medalist.

下面是1500米短道速滑金牌得主中国选手周洋的一些背景。Here's some background on the Chinese gold medalist of the women's 1500 meters short track speed skating.