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我需要一辆保时捷吗?Do I need a Porsche?

尤其是那个保时捷的商标。Especially the Porsche logo.

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保时捷设计P'6520指南针手表Porsche Design P'6520 Compass Watch

这是我的梦想———拥有一辆保时捷。That is my dream – to own a Porsche.

一个开保时捷的疯子超车抢了我的道。I was carved up by a lunatic in a Porsche.

她当初喜欢我说不定只是看上我的保时捷.She probably only liked me becasue of my Porsche.

事发当时,林赛·罗韩驾驶着黑色保时捷。Lindsay was driving her black Porsche at the time.

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这样啊,你可以用保时捷911为你导航,或者你可以“啪”地一下打开P'6520指南针手表盖。Yeah, you could check the GPS in your Porsche 911.

驾驶保时捷的人机智地将其车藏起来。Porsche drivers keep their cars tactfully hidden away.

保时捷发布了起品牌迄今为止燃油效率最高的车型。Porsche has unveiled its most fuel-efficient model yet.

保时捷博物馆在2007年决定重建这辆车。The Porsche museum decided to rebuild this car in 2007.

不,她看见驾驶室-保时捷911卡雷拉敞篷车。No, she saw the Cab – the Porsche 911 Carrera Cabriolet.

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保时捷庆祝1963年塔格-佛罗热大赛的胜利。Porsche celebrates its victory in the 1963 Targa Florio.

这是保时捷生产的最强劲的公路车。This is the most powerful road-going Porsche ever built.

中国已经成为保时捷在全世界的第二大市场。China has become the No. 2 market for Porsche world-wide.

同时,保时捷首次在中国推出其新款私家车。Meanwhile, Porsche launched its new sedan in China first.

我喜欢运动车,所以我得说保时捷是我的最爱。I like sports cars, so I would say Porsche is my favorite.

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波尔舍的优点之一就是独立思考能力。One of the strengths of Porsche is our independent thinking.

保时捷924在魏斯阿赫的风洞中进行测试。The Porsche 924 undergoes tests in the wind tunnel at Weissach.

保时捷设计工作室的总监是罗兰·海洛。Managing Director of the Porsche Design Studio is Roland Heiler.