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我是那个小村庄的逗留者。I am a sojourner of that village.

或许那些人只是我生命中的过客。May those who just a sojourner in my life.

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那个借居者在威尔士已经逗留了两个星期。The sojourner has been in Wales for two weeks.

目前我又成了文明生活的旅居者。At present I am a sojourner in civilized life again.

目前,我又是文明生活中的过客了。At present I am a sojourner in civilized life again.

现在,我又回到城里,开始了文明生活里的寄迹。At present I am a sojourner in civilized life again.

此时此刻,重新融入文明生活,我仍像匆匆过客,一如往昔。At the present I am sojourner in civilized life again.

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博士,旅日画家,快乐公社创始人。Doctor, sojourner artist in Japan, Initiator of merry commune.

我是你生命中的过客,而你是我这辈子永恒的定格。I am a sojourner in your life, and you are my life eternal frames.

博士,旅日画家,快乐公社创始人。Doctor, sojourner artist in Japan, Initiator of hedonism community.

难为你们听我讲话。现在,老索乔纳没有什么别的话要说了。Obliged to you for hearing me, and now old Sojourner ain't got nothing more to say.

了两年零两个月。现如今,我再次成为了文明世界的旅者。I lived there two years and two months. At present I am a sojourner in civilized life again.

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我也亲眼看到艾比林肯,前任俱乐部的歌手,怎样变成一个活跃的改革家。And Abbey Lincoln, the former subtly sensual supper-club singer, was transformed before my eyes into a blazing Sojourner Truth.

此触发式异能的操控者为循环该旅居者的牌手,或是该旅居者在场时的最后一位操控者。The player who controls the triggered ability is the player who cycled the Sojourner, or the player who last controlled the Sojourner in play.