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他是个爱国者,却非民族主义分子。He was a patriot, but not a nationalist.

这是民族本位主义评论么?What is it with the egotistical nationalist comments?

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但是在这两个国家,民族主义情绪都将会被激起。In both countries, a nationalist fringe will be nettled.

命名法在他们的思想中起到重要作用。Nomenclature plays a very important part in nationalist thought.

在康沃尔,工党获得支持率只排在了第六位,落后于康瓦尔民族党。In Cornwall, the party came sixth behind the Cornish Nationalist party.

每个爱国主义者身上都缠绕着一种挥之不去的信仰,即历史可以更改。Every nationalist is haunted by the belief that the past can be altered.

哈马德酋长本身也有着超现实的对于泛阿拉伯地区民族主义的想法。Sheikh Hamad himself is said to have a romantic pan-Arab nationalist streak.

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第二部分论述了李烈钧民族主义思想的主要内容。The second part has discussed the content of Li Liejun's nationalist thought.

然而,在Misada民族主义者的花言巧语经常被现实主义者所遏制。Here in Misasa, however, nationalist rhetoric is often tempered by pragmatism.

实用主义从此制约着中国民族主义者的直觉,但能坚持多久呢?Pragmatism has so far restrained China's nationalist instincts, but for how long?

在诋毁巴斯克民族主义者名声这一点上,没人比ETA做得更好。No one had done a better job than ETA at discrediting the Basque nationalist cause.

右翼印度教民族主义党派印度人民党也被打败了,它失去了很多地盘。So was the rightwing Hindu nationalist BJP, which lost a large amount of territory.

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在课堂上,他们高声喊出对鸦片战争的民族主义看法。In the classes, they were getting a full-throated nationalist view of the Opium War.

如果尼尼微议会带上了逊尼派民族主义色彩,那反叛分子可能就有麻烦了。If Nineveh’s council took on a Sunni nationalist hue, the insurgents might be in trouble.

它把民族主义理论家从政治话语的边缘推向了中心位置。It has moved nationalist ideologues from the margins of political discourse to the centre.

也有专家表示,中国的政策并未受到民族主义强硬派的左右。Some experts said that China's policy has not been nationalist hard-liners left and right.

爱国主义者不会持着投靠最强一方的简单原则。The nationalist does not go on the principle of simply ganging up with the strongest side.

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至于民族主义话语,陶也认为要小心加以语境化。As for the nationalist discourse, Tao also believe that to be careful to be contextualized.

第四部分对李烈钧民族主义思想进行总结评价。The fourth part has carried on an appraisal on Li Liejun's nationalist thought objectively.

马歇尔和姆博亚前往内罗毕郊外的基安布,与民族主义运动领导人会面。Marshall and Mboya traveled to Kiambu, outside of Nairobi, to meet with nationalist leaders.