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然后用一粒胡椒播种阿!And sow it all over with one peppercorn.

政府同意租借请求,租期为999年,并象征性收取租金。It was given 999 years at a peppercorn rent.

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将花椒盐擦匀鸭身内外,腌过夜。Rub Sichuan peppercorn onto duck. Marinate it overnight.

再洒上盐、黑胡椒碎及红椒碎调味。Season with salt, black peppercorn and minced red chili.

蛋黄酱,黑胡椒汁,蘑菇汁,红酒汁。Bearnaise, peppercorn sauce, mushroom sauce, red wine sauce.

现在对四川胡椒的禁令已经被撤销了,即使在美国人家中,也能做担担面。Even the American home, now that the Sichuan peppercorn ban is lifted.

黄油汁,绿胡椒白兰地,奶油蘑菇,或柠檬黄油汁。Béarnaise Sauce, Green Peppercorn & Br&y Sauce, Cream of Porcini Mushroom Sauce or Lemon Butter Sauce.

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放在一个大大油油的铁盘里考,饼上还涂了芝麻、葱花、辣椒、蒜和四川胡椒。Baked in a large, greased pan, this bread is also dusted with sesame seeds, scallions, chilis, garlic and Sichuan peppercorn.

用�姜料腌鸡髀,放置3小时以上。然后蒸1小时以上,待鸡髀够腍时取出。Marinate chicken legs with brown peppercorn mixture at least for 3 hours. Steam chicken legs for about 1 hour until very tender.

菜是真的很好吃,但由于那时对川菜刚刚入门,我还无法完全顿悟四川胡椒的复杂做法。The food was actually pretty good, but I, being a newbie to Sichuan food, couldn't fully appreciate the complexity of the Sichuan peppercorn.

如果太阳是一个篮球的气体行星木星和土星将是葡萄柚大小,地球将在此范围内,一个胡椒大小。If the Sun was a basketball the gas giants Jupiter and Saturn would be the size of grapefruits, and the Earth would be, on that scale, the size of a peppercorn.

病人时常问他们个人怎样才能减少成功治疗后的危险,美国北卡罗纳州达勒姆杜克大学的杰佛里佩波康医生评论。Patients do often ask how they can personally reduce their risk after successful treatment, commented Dr. Jeffrey Peppercorn of Duke University in Durham, N. C.

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当我走到胡椒树下的时候脖子上的汗毛都吓得立了起来,但是我从窗户里只看到一个女人手里拿着平底锅走来走去。The hair of my own neck were upright when I come beneath the peppercorn tree but through the 8 pane window I seen a female figure walking back and forth a saucepan in her hand.

这道菜的主要材料是豆瓣辣椒酱、豆腐、猪肉糜以及少量能让人嘴巴发麻的四川花椒——这玩意是四川和重庆菜肴中不可或缺的香料。The dish is made with a spicy bean chili sauce, tofu and ground pork and a liberal sprinkling of the mouth-numbing Sichuan peppercorn that is a mainstay in Sichuan and Chongqnig cooking.