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站在一旁无所事事,这使她很不好受。It eats in her to stand idly by.

地翻阅一本杂志。She flicked idly through a magazine.

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我们不能让青春虚度。We must not let our youth slip idly by.

他漫不经心地拨弄着鲁特琴的琴弦。He idly plucked the strings of the lute.

塞尔玛正懒懒散散、挑精剔肥地吃着清蒸鱼。Selma was picking idly at her steamed fish.

他无所谓的用指头弹着桌布。He idly thrummed the cloth with his fingers.

他无聊地用手杖敲击自己的大腿。He thwacked his cane idly against his thigh.

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我跟着这些杂耍师并呆呆地站着。I followed the jugglers and I stood by idly.

你可不能在我们忙着的时候坐着不动。You shouldn't sit idly by while we are busy.

他捡起一支铅笔,无所事事地摆弄着。He picked up a pencil and toyed with it idly.

或者你就傻坐着也行,让血不停地在地板上流淌。Or you can sit idly and bleed out on the floor.

我们根本就不能让脑细胞闲下来。We simply don't let our brain cells hang around idly.

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牠有那么长的翅膀,却不飞翔,懒懒地站在枝头上。It had so long wings but it didn't fly, perching idly.

北方方言,表示吹牛,没有目的地聊天。This is Beijing dialect, meaning boasting or chat idly.

他自己的眼睛随着寻食的鸟毫无目的地看了一会儿。For a while he let his eyes idly follow the preying bird.

情况变得明显起来,多勃雷宁并没有空洞地进行威吓。It became apparent that Dobrynin had not threatened idly.

情况变得明显起来,多勃雷宁并没有空洞地进行威吓。It became apparent that Dobrynin had not threatened idly.

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我们永远不应该傻坐着,然后请求奎师那去做这做那。We should never sit idly and ask Krishna to do everything.

不过,我们不可停下脚步,松懈下来,期望日后会有更大成就。But we cannot afford to sit idly by and expect future success.

相反地,查询站点一直闲置,直到真正需要数据时才启动。Instead, the query sits idly by until the data is actually needed.