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他对这点没有异议。He doesn't dispute that.

这可能会惹来一些争论。Some would dispute that.

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这是不容争议的。That admits of no dispute.

他介入了一场辩论。He interposed in a dispute.

他们之间发生了争吵。A dispute grew up among them.

她的儿子对此并不反驳。Her son does not dispute that.

他们对事实供认不讳。They didn't dispute the facts.

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他们之间发生了一点纠葛。There's a dispute between them.

我一定要争这口气!I must dispute this implication!

争端的结果是一场战争。War eventuated from the dispute.

他们同意经仲裁解决争端。They agreed to arbitrate dispute.

这是一个有些争议的问题。This is a matter of some dispute.

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在那个问题上我不同你争。I won't dispute you on that issue.

他们在会上闹起了意见。They had a dispute at the meeting.

是继承纠纷还是析产纠纷?。Dispute of Inheritance or Division?

他调解了这场家庭纠纷。He interceded in the family dispute.

是继承纠纷还是析产纠纷?。A Dispute of Inheritance or Division?

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一个和尚试图从中劝和。A monk tries to settle their dispute.

这场争端通过疏通而得到解决。The dispute was settled by mediation.

这场争端通过调停而得到解决。The dispute was settled by mediation.