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她选了两个没有经验的演员饰演主角。She chose two untried actors for the leading roles.

另一方面,MDB相对来说还是一种很新鲜的事物,没有经过很多的检验。On the other hand, MDBs are relatively new and untried.

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这样的一天对于没有经验的心灵就像鸦片对于没有烟瘾的肉体一般。A day of it to the untried mind is like opium to the untried body.

这个不为人知的新晋商人从市政当局那里申请并获得了长达四十年的减税期。This unknown untried dealmaker applied for and received a40-year tax abatement from the city.

这个不为人知的新晋商人从市政当局那里申请并获得了长达四十年的减税期。This unknown, untried dealmaker applied for and received a 40-year tax abatement from the City.

在市场营销上有创意是好的,但是不要将贷款花在未经实验的技术上。It's okay to get creative with your marketing, but don't bet the rent money on untried techniques.

现在事到临头,马上要去从事一件陌生的工作,她的情绪低落了。Her spirits were greatly subdued now when the fact of entering upon strange and untried duties confronted her.

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组织出售或管理已破产的审计事务所的机制并不确定,并且是未经检验的。The mechanisms for organising the sale or administration of an insolvent audit firm are uncertain and untried.

作为没经验的、手生的总司令,他别无选择唯有先握紧他还未松开的拳头。As the untried , greenhorn commander-in-chief, perhaps he had no choice but to clench his previously unclenched fist.

出人意料地任用毫无资历的海瑟薇与弗兰科做主持人也鼓舞人心。The appointment of two such untried and unexpected presenters as Anne Hathaway and James Franco was encouraging, too.

诞生于美国,但未在日本试验的核心选择是通过发行货币赊销公共开支,或减税成本。The nuclear option, conceived in America but untried in Japan, is to finance public spending or tax cuts by printing money.

虽然你总是很喜欢听到新鲜有趣的主意,但是去做未试验过的事可就是另一回事了。While you're always interested to hear about new and intriguing ideas, getting involved in anything untried is another matter.

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但是我们需要认识到友谊赛最关键的用处就是看一看那些经验不足以及没有多少机会的球员的表现。But we've got to realise the whole point of these friendlies is to find out how less experienced or untried players can perform.

没有经过试验的信心,一定是很小的信心,犹如发育不良的树苗,永远长不大。Faith untried may be true faith, but it is sure to be little faith, and it is likely to remain dwarfish so long as it is without trials.

但巴拉格是个初出茅庐的年轻人,而他的母星正面临灾祸,要是他没被这套鬼话唬住,那还真是个奇迹了。But Burak was an untried youth whose planet was near disaster, and to him it was something of a miracle that he hadn't been swallowed up by it already.

现在埃里克森勇敢的把一个从没试演过的17岁球员放在迪佛、约翰逊和本特前面选进国家队。Now here was Eriksson, bold as brass, putting an untried 17-year-old ahead of Jermain Defoe and Andy Johnson and pushing Darren Bent right out of the picture.

在受控条件下为演示一项已知真理、检验假说的正确性或确定以前未试用过的某物的效能而做的试验。A test under controlled conditions that is made to demonstrate a known truth examine the validity of a hypothesis or determine the efficacy of something previously untried.

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但是如果所选择的方案未能发现相应匹配,或者后来的匹配也失败了,正则表达式将回溯到最后一个决策点,然后在剩余的选项中选择一个。But if the chosen option can't find a match or anything later in the regex fails, the regex backtracks to the last decision point where untried options remain and chooses one.

虽然弗格森爵士认为吉布森已经是一名正式一队球员而非年轻球员了,这位21岁的球员还是希望能在联赛杯上完成自己本赛季的首次亮相。Although Sir Alex classes Gibson as more established squad member than untried youngster, the 21-year-old will be hoping the competition affords him his first start of the season.

“可是,我亲爱的皮埃尔先生,”安娜·帕夫洛夫娜说道,“一个大人物可以判处公爵死刑,以至未经开庭审判、毫无罪证亦可处死任何人,您对这事作何解释呢?”"Mais, mon cher Monsieur Pierre, " said Anna Pavlovna, "what have you to say for a great man who was capable of executing the due—or simply any human being— guiltless and untried?