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他们的党在选举中几乎获全胜。Three candidates are vying in this election.

中国有成千上万的钢琴家为出人头第而拼挣。Millions of pianists in China were vying for fame.

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他可以看做是在与圣经比试。We could see him as actually vying with scripture.

于是在500张卡通中,大概只会选12到20张。That's 500 cartoons vying for about 12 to 20 slots.

我们知道很多人都在争夺这个'里程碑称号'。We understand there are various names vying for the title.

人口的增长将争夺有限的资源。Growing numbers of people would be vying for limited resources.

但是有大约10家不同的结算所都在觊觎这项业务。But about 10 different clearinghouses are vying for the business.

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另一个与此竞争寻求一点再供应市场的公司是内华达山脉。Another firm vying for a slice of the re-supply market is Sierra Nevada.

中国公司在海外竞争项母,包括在美国。Chinese companies are also vying for projects overseas, including in the U.

白色的小野菊,一丛丛由草堆里钻出来。Clusters of white chrysanthemums are vying to break through the rank weeds.

“美国杯”游艇参赛者非常认真进行演习。Yachtsmen vying for the America's Cup practiced their maneuvers in dead earnest.

加拿大人和美国人争相将加拿大的水卖给美国东南部地区。Canadian and American ones are vying to sell Canadian water to the Southwestern U. S.

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不注意跟同事和那些窥探你工作的人做比较,丧钟将为你而鸣。Not staying on par with colleagues and those vying for your job will be a death knell.

穆迪的部长们相互比着发表这种不负责仼的声明!Modi's ministers are vying with each other to issue such kind of Iresponsible statements!

铃响后,一伙小参观者陆续来到门前,争着要看霍莉。After the bell rang, a succession of little visitors came to our door, vying to see Holly.

设想两个经过相似技术训练的软件工程师,都极力想获可定。Imagine two software engineers with similar technical training, both vying for recognition.

穆萨维被认为是三位候选人中的一位主要挑战者,有望取代内贾德成为总统。Moussavi was the main challenger among three candidates who had been vying to replace Ahmadinejad.

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满古达达图先生是他的父亲,老安达尔竞选棉兰老岛省的省长的竞争者。Mr. Ampatuan is vying to succeed his father, Andal Sr., as governor of the province of Maguindanao.

但它可能会与在斯瓦尔巴群岛和墨西哥发现的恐龙争夺世界最大物种的头衔。But it may be vying with the ones found in Svalbard and Mexico for the title of the world's largest.

思科、埃森哲、惠普和甲骨文等公司也试图从中国的智能电网市场中分一杯羹。Cisco, Accenture, Hewlett-Packard, and Oracle are also vying for a piece of China’s smart grid boom.