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事实上,这是无支持的。In fact, it is insupportable.

这个概念是无根据的。This conception turns out to be insupportable.

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今年夏天的酷暑实在令人无法忍受。The heat of this summer is really insupportable.

在这样的舞会上跳舞,简直让人受不了。At such an assembly as this, it would be insupportable.

我在这儿已经受过的罪和正受着的罪都没法再受了。What I have endured, and do endure here, is insupportable.

不知道你怎么样,我反正紧张的不行。I don’t know about you, but I am finding the tension insupportable.

认为这种负担不可承受的说法是荒谬的。It is ludicrous to argue that this would be an insupportable burden.

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另一项经济危机也许来自政府债务的不堪水平。Another economic crisis may result from insupportable levels of government debt.

她的举止和表情显出一种令人难以容忍的傲慢。There was an expression of almost insupportable haughtiness in her bearing and countenance.

许多个晚上和这些乏味的人一起无聊的度过,这真让人受不了。You are thinking how insupportable it would be to spend many evenings in such a tedious company.

因为屏幕布局变化是常见情况,所以经常手动更新测试也变得无法忍受。Because screen layout changes are common, the constant manual updating of tests becomes insupportable.

有必要让他有一个自姗赛比以来最坏,最无法相处的妻子。It was necessary to give him a wife who would be the worst and most insupportable wife since xanthippe.

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过于庞大的重整军备开支会给国家的生产力带来难以承受的负担。Too much spending on rearmament would place an insupportable burden on the nation'sproductive capacity.

我如约而至。鹿肉味道不错,甲鱼也很好,但是那个伟人却让人难以忍受。I came, accordIng to appoIntment. The venIson was fIne, the turtle good, but the great man Insupportable.

许多人担心,中国过热的房地产市场会崩溃,产生难以支撑的债务。Many fear that China’s overstretched property market will collapse, leaving insupportable debts in its wake.

这时候,我们家的厨房中正开着家庭会议。我心中充满了愤怒的火焰,几乎达到不可抑制的程度。Meanwhile, councils went on in the kitchen at home, fraught with almost insupportable aggravation to my exasperated spirit.

她日复一日地怀着这样的憧憬,直到她认为在伦敦住下去已成为一件不能忍受和令人生厌的事情了。She cherished such visions from day to day, until her residence in London began to become insupportable and tedious to her.

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整个身体在极度的痛苦中扭曲、挣扎,然而不听话的手却对主人的命令置若罔闻。His whole body was racked and wrenched with an insupportable anguish! But his disobedient hands gave no heed to the command.

然而这种奇怪的恐惧感让我无法忍受,我终于起身,点亮了床头的灯。Nevertheless, the strange terror grew so insupportable that conquering my reluctance to move I sat up and lit the lamp at my bedside.

除罪犯之外,大多数申请快速冷冻的人似乎都是些陷于难以维持的婚姻困境中的丈夫或妻子。Next to criminals, the majority of people who applied for quick-freeZing seem to have been husbands or wives caught in insupportable marital situations.