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不!绝不行!不过,我向我主发誓。No! Never! But l swear to the singe.

此房发卖,房子里有供暖摆设。That house is for singe. It has centring heating.

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如果熨斗过热,你会把睡衣烫焦。If the iron is too hot you'll singe that nightdress.

我俯身靠向燃着的蜡烛时把毛衣烧焦了。My sweater started to singe when I leaned over a burning candle.

将干辣椒放在烧热的平底锅里煸至微焦。Toast the dried chillies in a hot pan until they start to singe.

不要为你的敌人把炉火烧的太热,以致烫伤自己。-亨利八世。莎士比亚。Heat not a furnace for your foe so hot that it do singe yourself.

所有的代码集所有分享工程是存储在一个单独的数据仓库中。Any collection of code that is shared among projects is stored in a singe depot.

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但建立一个单独的欧洲国家是没有必要的,也没有必要形成单独的政治经济权力。There is no need for a singe European state. Nor for a single political-economic authority.

基于AT89C51芯片对传统的30W二氧化碳激光治疗机操作面板进行了改进。Based on the AT89C51 singe chip, the operate panel for the 30W CO_2 therapy laser was improved.

当我和女人谈话说到我有没有女友的时候,当我说我还单身的时候她们经常会很震惊。When I'm talking to girls and they ask me if I have a girlfriend, they seem really shocked when I say that I'm singe.

巨大的建筑,总是由一木一石叠起来的,我们何妨做做这一木一石呢?It is the accumulation of a singe stone and wood that makes up the gigantic building. Why don't we be the stone and wood?

纯寸草苔小区呈稳定型、其它小区中两实验种群呈增长型龄级结构。C. duriuscula population was stable in singe species spot and two populations were expansive age structures in other spots.

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各向异性的伤演规律可由能量平衡及当量单参数方程所确定。The anisotropic damage evolution law is obtained by the virtue of energy equilibrium and an equivalent singe variable equation.

如果您确实需要打开一个文档或打印出来,你可以做的,它与单一鼠标点击的权利,内即时文件搜索。And if you do need to open a document or print it out, you can do it with a singe mouse-click right inside Instant Document Search.

绿豆子厉由单心皮构成,1室,有9—13个弯生胚珠着生在边缘胎座上。Green Grams ovary consists of singe carpel, one locule, cantaining 9—13 campylotropous ovules bearing at the marginal placentation.

当你手指被火轻微烫伤时,清洁伤口后,用没有受伤的手的手指在轻轻的按压。When you accidentally singe your finger on the stove, clean the skin and apply light pressure with the finger pads of your unmarred hand.

身着一件布满被飞溅的火星烧焦的破旧毛式中山装,这位保安一口咬定钢铁厂已经关闭。Dressed in a shabby Mao suit covered with singe marks from flying sparks, the security guard insisted that the steel plant had been shut down.

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用单片微机对光电比色计进行了改造,增加了数据自动处理,非线性校正等多种功能。A photocolorimeter was modified with a singe chip computer to add automatic data processing and nonlinear calibration abilities to the instrument.

当相邻各丝的等离子体膨胀到相互接触和汇合的程度,Z箍缩的主电流才开始加载,驱动各丝汇合形成的等离子体套筒内爆。Main current of Z pinch is loaded and then it driven the plasma liner to implode when singe wire plasma column touches and couples with each other.

可配制单刀多点组角刀,使隔热断桥铝门窗组角更加可靠。Singe cutter more points corner combining cutter is put up to ensure corner combining of heat insulting off-bridge aluminum win-door more reliable.