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这也就预示会有更多地质活动发生。That forebodes more seismic activity.

地震烈度是经常使用的一个名词。Seismic intensity is a term frequently used.

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两个地震同相轴之间的延迟时间。The elapsed time between two seismic events.

它们都远离地震区吗?Are they all far away from the seismic zones.

针对四维时间推移问题进行了数值模拟。The method is used in 4-D time-lapse seismic.

亚太地区进入地震活动期,我们怎么办?。Face Period of Seismic Activites, Do What Must?

因地震的震动力而摇动。A surface at which seismic wave velocities change.

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FS是由地震的震动工作原理。FS- Reflexion works with a seismic vibration system.

但这并不代表东部海岸都不存在地震威胁。But the east coast is not immune from seismic hazard.

假如咱们有较先进的地震检测仪就好多啦!If only we had more sophisticated seismic geophones !

它的诞生在苏联文化界产生强烈地震。Its appearance was a seismic event in Russian culture.

在地震的作用下节理而可能张开、滑移。The joints may slip or open subjected to seismic load.

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亚欧带仍保持平静。The Eurasian seismic belt still remained in quiescence.

此判断与地震测深的结果一致。This inference is coincident with deep seismic sounding.

没人会想到接下8年的连串震撼性事件。Nobody foresaw the seismic events of the next eight years.

地震序列是具有线形纹理特征的图像。The seismic image sequences have line-like texture features.

地震与测井的结合正是体现了这一点。This is realized through the tie of seismic and well logging.

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因地震的震动力而摇动。An electronic receiver designed to pick up seismic vibrations.

多波多分量地震勘探可以提供更多的信息。Multi-component seismic exploration may give more information.

对输入地震动的影响研究。The influence of input seismic load has been studied, secondly.