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赛后,温格对这名23岁的新兵难抑赞美之辞。After the game Wenger paid tribute to the 23-year-old debutant.

霍奇森同时确认,首次亮相的孔切斯基被换下,纯粹是作为预防措施。Hodgson also confirmed debutant Paul Konchesky was substituted purely as a precaution.

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预备队老大沃伦。乔西表扬了曼联最新的预备队产品迈克尔。基恩。Reserves boss Warren Joyce has praised United's latest first-team debutant Michael Keane.

德布坦特队来自威尔士的年仅15岁的国际守门员瑞斯·泰勒扑出了一粒点球。Debutant goalkeeper, 15 years old Wales schoolboy international Rhys Taylor, saves a penalty.

开赛十分钟,马丁斯的射门被处子秀的法比安斯基聪明的得到。Obafemi Martins was denied by a smart save by debutant keeper Lukasz Fabianski ten minutes in.

英格兰2比0战胜特立尼达和多巴哥的时候,球迷们一定欣喜若狂。Late goals by Peter Crouch and Steven Gerrard helped England post a 2-0 victory over World Cup debutant Trinidad & Tobago.

与费纳同在B组的还有第二次参加年终总决赛的特松加和初次露面的费什。Nadal and Federer are joined in Group B by Jo-Wilfried Tsonga, who will be making his second appearance, and debutant Mardy Fish.

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上半场不仅亚当被罚下场,阿格也伤病退场被新人科茨所顶替。The first-half dismissal of Adam was compounded by an injury to Agger that saw the centre back replaced by debutant Sebastian Coates.

此外,6月玫瑰能够提供包括事件,所有的形参和新手球专业彩妆特殊场合的应用。In addition, June-Rose is able to provide professional makeup application for all special occasions including events, formals and debutant balls.

比赛进行到25分钟,首次登场的泰比完全被杰米雷德克纳普的任意球骗过,芬兰人的头球攻门入网。The giant Finn's diving header on 25 minutes came after goalkeeping debutant Massimo Taibi had totally misjudged Jamie Redknapp's deep free-kick.

拯救了这天的希望的是新登场的西德维尔,他在禁区边缘勇敢的铲走了球防止Insua直接冲向了切赫的球门。Saving the day though was debutant Steve Sidwell, whose brave lunge on the edge of the box prevented Insua from gaining a clear run on Cech's goal.

取消戏剧冲突和价值判断,代之以细腻真实的生活化气质,导演禾家用这部处女作引领我们走进一个遥远的少数民族群落。Without judgement or drama, but with all the more feeling for every daily detail and composition, the debutant He Jia shows a remote minority community.

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比赛开始后,大多数人的目光聚焦于一个人的身上,就在不久之前,他还是切尔西的一分子,他因为为切尔西征战了263场比赛而永铭记于球迷心中。While most eyes after kick-off would soon be on a debutant in goal, in the minutes beforehand, a recently departed favourite who had played 263 games for Chelsea was thanked.

弗格森爵士为奥贝坦没能进球而遗憾,但依然相信他能释放毋庸质疑的潜力潜力证明自己的价值。Sir Alex Ferguson felt for his latest debutant after his failure to score, but he remains confident that Obertan will go on to prove his worth and realise his undoubted potential.

小红军的主教练也在赛后为斯特林送上赞美之词,但他依旧强调利物浦能够客场夺取3分时全队的功劳。The Reds coach also had some words of encouragement for debutant Sterling, but was keen to stress that it was a team performance that saw Liverpool come away with the three points.

琼斯在中场打得很努力,但西班牙还是不出意外的控制了皮球。下半场第11分钟首次出场的罗德维尔把他换下。Jones worked hard in midfield even though Spain predictably dominated possession and his shift came to an end when he made way for debutant Jack Rodwell 11 minutes after the interval.

首先是在OT难以置信的战胜维拉,17岁的马切达在伤停补时阶段的绝杀帮助球队戏剧性的3-2险胜。It started with the incredible scenes at Old Trafford against Aston Villa, with 17-year-old debutant Federico Macheda grabbing an astonishing injury-time clincher in a dramatic 3-2 win.

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奥克斯雷德·张伯轮在今年三月份的处子秀是英格兰足坛第二年轻的出场纪录,仅次于沃尔科特。当时张伯伦为南安普顿在一级联赛中首次亮相年仅16岁另199天。Oxlade-Chamberlain became the second youngest debutant — behind Walcott — in the League One club's history in March when he made his first Southampton appearance aged 16 years and 199 days.