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但是这是一个非常不错的算法。Let me generalize this slightly.

我不想高度概括此事。So I don’t want to overly generalize it.

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让我们推广卡诺热机的结果。So generalize our Carnot engine results.

不能从几个事例中得出一般性概念。One cannot generalize from a few examples.

以偏概全地谈论人是危险的。It is dangerous to generalize about people.

你能概括一下南方人的特征吗?Can you generalize about people in the South?

他们希望推广这种新型香皂的应用。They hope to generalize the use of this new soap.

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造成漂族社会保障缺失的原因是多方面的。We can generalize that Race almost have no social security.

但是,一律都这样办可就危险了,因为人的品味是会变化的。However, it is dangerous to generalize because taste changes.

但是当他们概括人类本性的时候事情就变得糟糕了。But things deteriorate when they generalize about human nature.

实际上,人们不能从一两件事情上就归纳出一个结论。In fact, one could not generalize a conclusion from a few facts.

照咱们这样儿讨论下去,可就把问题泛化了。We will generalize the question if we go on discussing this way.

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归纳能实现这三种可能性的波兰-Scheraga模型。Generalize the Poland-Scheraga model to allow for these possibilities.

本文所得结果推广了经典负风险和模型的相应结果。The results obtained generalize the classical neg-tive risk sums model.

政委就是这样引导俘虏兵从政治上来归纳问题的。Thus the commissars taught captured soldiers to generalize politically.

首先通过具体的案例对我国法律规避的表现形式进行了归纳。Firstly, generalize the form of the evasion of law by idiographic cases.

由于不了解详情,我对此事只能泛泛而谈。Since I do not know the details, I can only generalize about the matter.

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由于我不了解细节,我只能笼统地谈一下。Since I do not know the details, I can only generalize about the matter.

笼统地谈儿童读物是不可能的,因为它们之间都不一样。It is impossible to generalize about children's books, as they are all different.

该法简便易学,恢速准确,容易推广。This method has the advantages of simplicity, accuracy and is easy to generalize.