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不,他们都在意大利。No, loro stanno tutti in Italia.

搬家得让图蒂再次转学。Moving would take Tutti out of school again.

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图蒂在四岁的时候说这句话。Tutti was four years old when she said this.

既有合唱、朗诵,也有独唱、独奏与合奏。It also has chorus, elocnte, and solo, tutti.

我们返回店里,见图蒂已放学回家。We returned to the shop, found Tutti just home from school.

倘若有个家,图蒂下次就能开生日派对!If she had a home, Tutti could have a birthday party someday!

留着丈夫吧,大姐。只要让图蒂上大学就行了。Keep your husband, Wayan. Just make sure Tutti goes to university.

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“我让你看我的书!”图蒂唱歌般地说道,冲上楼梯取书。"I will see you my books! " Tutti sang, and hurtled up the stairs to get them.

图蒂假装晕倒,像卡通人物似的昏倒在地。Tutti executed a fabulous fake faint, swooning cartoonishly right to the floor.

独奏和乐队部分交融在一起,复调织体却又十分透明。Solo and tutti themes are subtly interwoven and the polyphonic texture is transparent.

为了争取图蒂,大姐必须散尽所有的一切去聘请律师。To get Tutti back, Wayan had to hire a lawyer, whom she paid with every single thing she had.

而第二章中包括的音乐要素分析,也是从独奏与乐队这一主要的音乐逻辑关系为出发点进行阐述。And the analysis of music element is also to expatiate based on the solo and tutti 's relationship.

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过去几年来,大姐和图蒂独立生活——在组织如蜂巢的巴厘岛中独自生活!For the last few years now, Wayan and Tutti have been living on their own—all alone, in the beehive of Bali!

双拐击地的声音在教室大楼中往复回荡,形成了独特的合奏。The sound of double crutches beating the ground echoed across the classroom building, forming a peculiar tutti.

图蒂从前在班上总是名列前茅,但打从上回搬家后,名次已掉到五十个学童当中的第二十名。Tutti was always first in her class before, but has slipped since the last move down to twentieth out of fifty children.

一只够分量的喇叭足以呈现出强劲的合奏曲以及极为细微的柔美的音色。A speaker that had enough power reserves to faithfully repro duce powerful tutti passages as well as the subtlest pianissimo.

她说图蒂在路上一个豪华饭店建筑的工地外头发现这块瓷砖,遂据为己有。She said that Tutti had found the tile outside the construction site of a fancy hotel project down the road and had pocketed it.

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在创作后的几十年里,曾被改编成歌曲、各种器乐独奏、合奏曲。The music has been recomposed to be the song, solo and tutti for various instruments during the ten years after it was composed.

图蒂耍弄这块瓷砖好一段时间,扔入半空中,低语、吟唱,而后像火柴盒小汽车般沿着地板推动。Tutti played with that tile for a long time, tossing it in the air, whispering to it, singing to it, then pushing it along the floor like it was a Matchbox car.

提拉米苏,水果塔,迷你法式焦糖布甸,威士忌帕菲,歌剧蛋糕,炸苹果,巧克力慕思杯,朗姆酒蛋糕和热巧克力蛋糕。Tiramisu, Tutti Frutti, mini vanilla crème brûlée, whisky iced parfait, opera cake, apple fritters, glass of dark chocolate mousse, Rum baba and chocolate fondant.