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原名为「佳源电机股份有限公司」。Formerly known as "good source Electric Co."

正式名为“蓝色告警”或“蓝色信号”。Formerly called a "Blue Alarm" or "Blue Signal.

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脱落酸以前被称作脱落素II或休眠素。Formerly it was known as abscisin II or dormin.

妙峰古道,原为土路,崎岖难行。Miao-Feng Road, formerly the dirt roads, rugged.

战斧一种重的,顶部宽的斧头,曾用作武器。A heavy broad-headed ax formerly used as a weapon.

这丬商店的老板原是一个农民。The proprietor of the store was formerly a farmer.

在过去,她的心感到冷,现在感到温暖了。Formerly her soul had seemed cold, now it was warm.

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我们以前的一些忠诚的成员现在已经背叛了我们。Some of our formerly loyal members have fallen away.

汽车原来被叫做不用马拉的车子。An automobile was formerly called a horseless carriage.

翀那段从前怎么去捡,光阴似箭一直向前。That formerly how to pick, time flies straight forward.

马德钟一如以往性感出场。The Mudd clock one like formerly sexy entered the stage.

这颗钻石的前任藏家为珠宝商哈利·温斯顿。The diamond was formerly owned by jeweler Harry Winston.

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为此原因,露天煤矿以前经常使用金丝雀。Canaries were formerly used in coal mines for this reason.

数据存储以前称为复制代理。Datastores were formerly referred to as replication agents.

五年后,她以前清晰的成像现在显示有癌症。Five years later, her formerly clear image now shows cancer.

该物种曾分布于中国和越南的大部分地区。The species formerly ranged across much of China and Vietnam.

不过,哈丽特不像以前那么胆小,那么顾虑重重了。But Harriet was less humble, had fewer scruples than formerly.

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犁比农民以前用的工具要重。The plough was heavier than the tools formerly used by farmers.

今天的比哈尔邦道路上有些小洞,可是以前是连路都没有的。Today Bihar has pot-holes, where formerly it didn’t have roads.

先前,一本书如果不用黄金来衡量的话,与相同重量的白银价值相当。Formerly , a book is worth its weight in silver, if not in gold.