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妊娠期间感染。Infection during pregnancy.

膀胱炎?有多久了?Bladder infection? How long?

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你将如何避免影响?How can you avoid infection?

发现酵母菌感染。Discovering a yeast infection.

腮腺巨细胞病毒感染。CMV infection of parotid gland.

可能会并发感染。It may supervene with infection.

发烧常常是传染病的征兆。A fever often denotes an infection.

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该如何治疗绦虫感染?How is tapeworm infection diagnosed?

同样容易肿大和感染。Also prone to swelling and infection.

健康状况不佳易受感染。Poor health predisposes to infection.

快速从骨痛热症恢复元气。Faster recovery from dengue infection.

她仅仅死于葡萄球菌感染?。She died from a simple staph infection?

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该如何诊断绦虫感染?How can tapeworm infection be prevented?

你传播的不仅仅是特定一种传染病You're not only spreading the infection.

细菌和病毒容易反复感染。Bacteria and virus infection and easy to.

抑或白大衣仅仅增加了院内感染率?Or do they just increase infection rates?

无神经损伤或感染等并发症。There were no nerve palsies or infection.

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幽门螺杆菌的感染通常是长期存在的。H. pylori infection is often longstanding.

这样有利于避免接触到传染源。This helps to avoid exposure to infection.

同时还要注意观察继发性感染的迹象。Watch for evidence of secondary infection.