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“只马无蓬”的雪橇。In a one-horse open sleigh.

他有雪橇还有驯鹿。He has a sleigh and reindeers.

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当圣诞老人的雪撬铃响的时候。When Santa's sleigh bells ring.

雪车是用一匹马拖拉的。The sleigh was drawn by a horse.

你知道,这是我妻子的雪车。You know, this is my wifes sleigh.

雪橇铃儿响,你在听吗?。Sleigh bells ring, are you listening?

啊冲破大风雪,我们坐在雪橇上。Ah through a blizzard, we in a sleigh.

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斯莱编钟是噪声流行描述。Sleigh Bells is described as noise-pop.

雪橇在积雪的路上丁当前进。The sleigh jingled along the snowy road.

摄制组专门训练了真的鹿来拉雪橇。Real deer were trained to pull the sleigh.

马儿拉着雪橇,跑向我们的目的地。The horse knows the way to carry the sleigh.

雪橇由八头飞鹿拉着。The sleigh is pulled by eight flying reindeer.

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门铃,雪撬铃,炸牛肉片下面条。Doorbells and sleigh bells schnitzel with noodles.

圣诞老人驾着驯鹿拉的雪橇。Santa is riding on the sleigh pulled by reindeers.

随着雪橇的玩具,和圣尼古拉了。With the sleigh full of toys, and St. Nicholas too.

冲破大风雪,我们坐在雪橇上。Dashing through the snow, In a one-horse open sleigh.

在这样的大风中帆船保持向左倾斜。The sleigh was on one runner, heeling like a yacht in a wind.

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这架雪车在一根滑橇上滑行,倾斜得像大风中的一艘快艇。The sleigh was on one runner, heeling like a yacht in a wind.

在那儿,树顶发出闪闪亮光,小孩子们则倾听雪橇在雪中所发出的铃声。Where the tree tops glisten and children listen to hear sleigh bell in the snow.

树梢在雪中闪耀,孩童在雪天专心听雪橇铃声的到来。Where the treetops glisten and children listen to hear sleigh bells in the snow.