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注册主任会公布时间表。The registrar will publish the schedule.

找一家便宜的注册公司,注册你的域名。Find an inexpensive registrar and register your domain.

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证婚人说,她从未见过如此开心的婚礼。The registrar said she'd never seen such a happy wedding.

找学校的注册主任查明你的成绩。Go to the registrar of the university you know your grades.

登记员是唯一来评价他是否能通过这次测试。The registrar is the sole judge of whether he passes this test.

贵公司对所签认证机构的总体满意度?What is your overall level of satisfaction with your registrar?

您可以联系转入方或取更多帮助。You can contact the "gaining" registrar for further assistance.

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在注册组那填表格,然后付合理的手续费。Fill out an application at the registrar and pay the applicable fee.

如果需要进一步了解信息,请咨询教务主任。If you require further information, you should consult the registrar.

该项豁免由处长或注册官作出。For any such exemption to be granted by the Director or the Registrar.

如果你经常需要看注册机的信息,它是你的最佳选择。If you often need to see a registrar information, it is your best choice.

国际域名实名认证或为注册商行为?Real-name authentication or international domain name registrar behavior?

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提供他们一个注册商和托管公司,让他们自己注册去吧。Give them a registrar and hosting company and let them sign up themselves.

在试验中,两名护士,一名顾问和一名登记员诊断病人。Two nurses, one consultant and one registrar reviewed patients in the trial.

注册组的排的室友组合真是奇怪透了。It's queer what a mixture the registrar can make in the matter of room-mates.

现在,在大多数大学中,有一些人担当注册员的角色。Today, at most modern universities there are people in the role of registrar.

请把填写完整的申请表格交给您曾就读的院校的注册主任。Please send the completed form to the registrar of the school you have attended.

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以此来看,中国将在2011年成为世界最大的专利权申请国。By this measure China will become the world's largest registrar of patents in 2011.

按这个速度计算,中国到2011年将会成为注册专利最多的国家。By this measure China will become the world’s largest registrar of patents in 2011.

域名注册商必须删除注册表持有登记官的地位来修改域。The registry MUST remove the REGISTRY-HOLD status for the registrar to modify the domain.