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用类似人形的炮弹射击红色的求。Shoot the red ball with a humanoid cannonball.

可能CUV应解释为炮弹型多用途车。Maybe the CUV stands for Cannonball Utility Vehicle.

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匹配三个或更多颜色的炮弹为他们爆炸。Match three or more cannonball colors for them to explode.

这个过程有些类似把颗炮弹扔在床垫上的情形。This process is akin to throwing a cannonball against a mattress.

一发炮弹击穿你的右胸,留下一个大洞。A cannonball strikes right through your chest leaving a gaping hole.

这样设计是因为需要金属球来支撑腿的重量。This was done because the cannonball was needed to support the weight of the leg.

但每次我入水之后,我又像一只水獭一样快乐、无忧无虑。However, once I managed to cannonball in, I was as happy and carefree as an otter.

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在场景已经看起来不错后,你就可以开始制作发射炮弹的动画。After the scene is looking good, you can work on animating the firing a cannonball.

我真希望炮弹打中你的脑袋,我真希望你被炸成碎片,我。I hope a cannonball lands slap on you, I hope you're blown into a million pieces, I.

首先,您需要创建一个炮弹,采用与炮筒同样的材质。First you need to create a cannonball and apply the same material used on the barrel.

如果你首先考虑场景建模,您需要一个可以发射炮弹的火炮。If you first consider the modeling of the scene, you'll need a cannon that can fire the cannonball.

典型破片平均迎风面积判读系统主要用于炮弹破片面积判读。The reading system of typical fragments' average windward area is used to read the fragments' area of Cannonball.

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中央情报局2006年以“炮弹”为代号重新启动了对拉登的搜捕行动,并派出了几十名特工驻扎巴基斯坦。The CIA relaunched the manhunt in an operation codenamed Cannonball in 2006, sending dozens of agents to Pakistan.

典型破片迎风面积测量设备主要用于弹丸破片迎风面积的测量。The metrical equipment of typical fragments average windward area was designed to measuring the fragments area of cannonball.

例如,在意大利文艺复兴早期,扬起前腿的青铜马雕像的马蹄下通常踩着一个炮弹。For example, in the early Italian Renaissance, bronze statues of horses with a raised foreleg usually had a cannonball under that hoof.

就好像在意大利文艺复兴早期,踢出前腿马匹的青铜像往往有一个金属球置于它的前蹄下。For example, in the early Italian Renaissance, bronze statues of horses with a raised foreleg usually had a cannonball under that hoof.

一对夫妇在本世纪以来,中国已经发现了包装用火药炸弹爆炸的潜在危险掏空。Within a couple centuries of this, the Chinese had discovered the explosive potential of packing hollowed cannonball shells with gunpowder.

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不久炮弹抵达,从天空落下,将列队在检阅草坪上,穿著新军服的士兵,像保龄球瓶般击倒在地。The cannonball arrived moments later, rolling down the sky and scattering the bowling pins lined up in their new uniforms on the parade lawn.

密度较大的恒星将比松散的恒星承受少得多的损害,就好像炮弹将西瓜轰成碎片时,它本身几乎不会受到一丝损伤。A higher-density star will suffer much less damage than a tenuous one, just as a cannonball is barely marked as it blows a watermelon to shreds.

仔细看下炮弹的飞行路线,你会发现它们是这样运动的,但是炮弹在最后的落地阶段几乎是垂直的。Look at picture of cannonball flight and you will see they will describe it like this , as though at the end of the flight its dropping almost vertically.