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结论畸形复发是由于腓骨肌持续无力造成的。Conclusion Deformity recurrence results from persistent asthenia of fibular muscles.

肾精亏虚是老年人主要的生理病理特点。Kidney asthenia is the main physiologic and pathologic characteristics of the elder.

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目的观察平喘胶囊对小鼠虚喘症的治疗作用。Objective Observation of asthma capsules in the treatment of mice asthenia Diseases.

少数伴有全身症状如发热、头昏、乏力等。The few patients had constitutional symptoms, such as fever, dizziness and asthenia.

患者以排节片和乏力为主要临床表现。Passing proglottids in the feces and asthenia were the two main clinical manifestations.

目的研究虚证状态下乌头属药用植物炮制减毒对药效的影响。Objective To research the effects of different processed Aconitum in the Asthenia Syndrome Model.

脓汁清稀,愈合缓俊或形成乳泥,伴全身乏力。Pus juice clear thin, heals slow handsome or forms the mud scum, accompanies the whole body asthenia.

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另外,由于怀孕身体体质会下降,因此会常感觉乏力。Moreover, because will be pregnant the bodily physique to drop, will therefore often feel the asthenia.

凡能补血养血,改善或消除虚证症状的药物称为养血药。The drugs which nourish the blood, improve or eliminate asthenia syndrome are called blood- enriching drugs.

介绍邵荣世老师论治阴虚内热型甲状腺功能亢进症立法方药的经验。This article presented Shao Rongshi's experience in the treatment of hyperthyroidism of yin asthenia and internal heat.

虚寒可引起月经后期、月经量少、痛经、闭经等多种月经病,严重影响着妇女的身心健康。Asthenia cold can induce many kinds of menopathy such as hypomenorrhea, delayed menorrhea, menostasia, algomenorrhea, and so on.

结果运脾方能明显增加脾虚大鼠的食量和体重,增加D-木糖的排泄率。Results Yun-Pi Prescription could increase body weight and food intake, improve excretory rate of D-xylose in splenic asthenia rats.

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临床常见血病证候有血虚、血瘀、血热和血寒等四种。Clinically 4 types of blood disorders are commonly encountered, namely blood asthenia or deficiency, blood stasis, blood-heat and blood-cold.

结论运脾方能够改善脾虚大鼠小肠吸收功能,并呈量效关系。Conclusion Yun-Pi Prescription could improve the small intestinal absorptive function of splenic asthenia rats with dose-effect relationship.

用利血平和大黄分别造成小鼠脾虚模型,观察王氏保赤丸对小鼠体重、脾脏系数、死亡率等的影响。The mice were modeled to be of spleen asthenia respectively by reserpine and rhubarb, and the mice weight, spleen coefficient and death rate were observed.

提示老年肾虚证与骨密度有直接相应变化的关系,骨密度测定可作为肾虚证本质辨证的客观评价指标和观察肾虚证治疗效果的参考依据。It is indicated that kidney asthenia is closely related to bone density, thus bone density may be used as an objective index for diagnosing kidney asthenia.

脾肾亏虚是原发性高尿酸血症的发病根本,瘀血、痰浊是其病理产物。Asthenia of both the spleen and kidney is the pathogenic basis of primary hyperuricemia. Blood stasis and phlegm are the pathological products of the disease.

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但形而上学的古典政治理论在现代行政环境出现的新发展下,对于现实问题的解决疲乏无力。But the metaphysics of classical political theory of modern administrative environment for the emergence of new development, and to practical problem solving asthenia.

在理论研究部分,从脾胃在机体衰老过程中的重要作用入手,我们认为AD是病理性衰老产生的疾病之一,是衰老的脑病态表现。In the theoretical study section, this thesis considered that the asthenia of spleen and stomach dominates pathological dotage, and AD is the appearance of brain aging.

阴虚血瘀证治疗上采用滋阴活血法,综合运用滋阴药和活血化瘀药,可以达到滋阴活血、阻断微观血瘀证和阴虚证内在联系的目的。The treatment of Yin asthenia and blood stasis by nourishing Yin and promoting blood circulation might interrupt the internal microscopic connection between the two syndromes.