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你不了解米奈劳斯和…You don't know Menelaus.

那“Menelaus“是常见犹太人名吗?"Menelaus" is that a good Jewish name?

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我可以派和平使者去斯巴达…We could send peace envoys to Menelaus.

是宙斯和勒达的女儿,梅内莱厄斯的妻子。The daughter of Zeus and Leda and wife of Menelaus.

曼纽拉斯原谅了她并把她带回斯巴达。Menelaus forgave her and brought her back to Sparta.

海伦有一种负罪感,并且非常羞愧,她请求曼纽拉斯宽恕。Then Helen, feeling guity and ashamed, asked Menelaus for forgiveness.

这不仅仅是关于Menelaus和他如何处理自己欲望的问题。It's not just about Menelaus and what he chooses to do with his desire.

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我之前已经说了,Menelaus和自由派,接受希腊化,推广希腊化。As I've already said Menelaus and the liberals accept it and promote it.

海伦和墨涅劳斯重归于好,到西方隐居了起来。Helen and Menelaus were on good terms again and disappeared in the west.

默乃劳向我们呈报,说你们愿意回乡,从事己业。Menelaus has told us that you wish to return to your homes and occupations.

迈锡尼之王,堤厄斯忒斯的兄弟,阿伽门农和墨涅拉俄斯的父亲。A king of Mycenae, brother of Thyestes and father of Agamemnon and Menelaus.

对她的墨涅拉俄斯表达些可辨的事物,比如说,海伦,那是什么?To her Menelaus signified something recognizable, as Helen to him. Whatever was it?

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与此同时墨涅劳斯焦急地在毁坏的特洛伊宫中寻找海伦。In the meantime Menelaus was anxiously searching for Helen in the ruined palaces of Troy.

再一次面对着海伦美丽的脸庞,曼纽拉斯怎么也不忍心把剑刺入她的身体。Facing her charming face again, Menelaus felt it difficult to thrust his sword into her body.

是宙斯和勒达的女儿,梅内莱厄斯的妻子。因其被帕里斯拐走而引发特洛伊战争。The daughter of Zeus and Leda and wife of Menelaus. Her abduction by Paris caused the Trojan War.

在墨涅劳斯的帐篷中,海伦跪在斯巴达国王的脚下,乞求饶恕。In the tent of Menelaus she threw herself at the feet of the Spartan king, asking for forgiveness.

默乃劳明知自己已失败,遂许给多黎默乃的儿子仆托肋米大批金银,讬他向国王代为说情。But Menelaus being convicted, promised Ptolemee to give him much money to persuade the king to favour him.

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然而海伦和梅内莱厄斯的婚姻注定了其不幸的结局,因为海伦之前已经被阿佛洛狄忒许配给了帕里斯。But the marriage of Helen and Menelaus was doomed to fail, as Helen had been promised to Paris by Aphrodite.

为此震怒的梅内莱厄斯说服了他的兄弟阿加门农,并向希腊的英雄们表达了复仇的必要性。The angry Menelaus persuaded his brother Agamemnon, and stressed the necessity of revenge on the Greek heroes.

两人坠入爱河,海伦便离开莫涅拉俄斯,随帕里斯航行去了特洛伊,由此引发了特洛伊战争。In this time they made love, and Helen left Menelaus and sailed to Troy with Paristhus initiating the Trojan War.