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从经验主义的观点看,这是一个令人困惑的局面。From an empiricist point of view, this is a baffling situation.

不过,经验主义可以体现在不同方面。But there are different respects in which one can be an empiricist.

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这部电影还没出现前,丹尼斯就是经验主义者。Dennis was an empiricist before the movie was on the drawing board.

本质上来说,经验主义者十分重视经验。Essentially an empiricist is someone who puts a lot of weight on experience.

他这一次所犯的错误,性质属于右倾的错误,属于经验主义性质的错误。The mistakes he has made this time are Right deviationist and empiricist in nature.

洛克是经验主义者,主要是因为,他认为我们所有的观念来自经验。Locke, most notably, is an empiricist in that he thinks all our ideas are derived from experience.

经验主义者丹尼斯知道,如果没有坚实的理论基础,拼命干活是危险的。The empiricist Dennis knew that plugging along without a solid philosophical foundation was perilous.

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一个潜在的目标,是对我们的空间理念,经典的经验主义的帐户,如在洛克找到。One potential target is a classic empiricist account of our idea of space, such as that found in Locke.

但我觉得我们需要证据来证明,在这方面,我真的是一个经验主义者。But I think it is something that we would need evidence for I'm very much an empiricist on those things.

但是经验主义者却要说,知觉才是检验推论中经验材料正确与否的试金石。But the empiricist would say that perceptions are the test of correctness in inference in empirical material.

他的工作调和了许多18世纪理性主义和经验主义传统的分歧。His work reconciled many of the differences between the rationalist and empiricist traditions of the 18th century.

自休谟以来,归纳问题一直是困扰西方经验主义科学家和哲学家的难题。Since Hume, the problem of induction had been a puzzle that baffled western empiricist scientists and philosophers.

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“可证实性原则”是经验主义关于陈述、判断之意义标准的表达。And the principle of Verification is the empiricist criterion distinguishing the meaning and validity of a statement of a judgment.

雷诺兹奠定了古典主义艺术创作的法则,但他的美学思想又受到了英国经验主义美学的影响。Reynolds established the classicist writing principles, but his aesthetic idea was influenced by the British empiricist aesthetics.

“可证实性原则”是经验主义关于陈述、判断之意义标准的表达。And the principle of Verification is the empiricist criterion distinguishing the meaning arid validity of a statement of a judgment.

他教导柔的启示和人文价值和约康德和他的统一,经验主义和理性主义思想。He teaches Sophie about the Enlightenment and its humane values and about Kant and his unification of empiricist and rationalist thought.

建立在个人主义的第一人称确定性基础之上的哲学的理性主义和经验主义方法都表明是错误的。The individualistic first-person certainty which underlies both rationalist and empiricist approaches to philosophy is shown to be in error.

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贝克莱的理想主义就是这样的观点,由乔治·伯克利提出的爱尔兰经验,感知的物体实际上是头脑的看法。Berkeleyan idealism is the view, propounded by the Irish empiricist George Berkeley , that the objects of perception are actually ideas in the mind.

蒯因的主要目标是认识论中的经验主义传统,但他的结论却与整个分析哲学的议程密切相关。Quine's target was mainly the empiricist tradition in epistemology, but his conclusions were patently germane to the agenda of analytical philosophy.

宇宙目的论的论点,并受到持续的批评,特别是由苏格兰哲学家大卫休谟指出经验主义和怀疑者。Cosmological and teleological arguments have come under sustained criticism, notably by Scottish philosopher David Hume, noted empiricist and skeptic.