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没有推理。You weren't reasoning.

某种程度上这是一个循环推理It's sort of circular reasoning.

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弗兰西斯培根,归纳推理Francis Bacon, inductive reasoning

你尝试跟他讲礼了吗?。Have you tried reasoning with him?

这一论证是完全站得住的。This reasoning is altogether sound.

有什么内在的原因?What was the reasoning behind that?

里利对我的推理只是一笑置之。Rielly just laughed at my reasoning.

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我推断得更准确了“I am reasoning more quickly about it."

这一推理的另一种形式。This is a different form of reasoning.

你的条理清楚的推论非常正确。Your clear reasoning is quite correct.

你们的兴趣在批判性推理。Your interest is in critical reasoning.

这种推理传统而明晰。The reasoning is classic in its clarity.

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这就是我所谓的荒谬的推理。This is what I call an absurd reasoning.

案例推理是人工智能的一种新求解方法。Cased-Based Reasoning is a new way in AI.

跟他们讲道理似乎不管用。Reasoning does not seem to work with them.

我们对道德推理有什么了解?So, what do we know about moral reasoning?

这个思路听起来很有道理So that's a pretty good piece of reasoning.

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大家都跟上这个思路了吗Does everyone follow that line of reasoning?

但是在奥巴马的解释中有一项硬伤。But there's a big hitch in Obama's reasoning.

这就是目的论推理的一个例子。This is an example of teleological reasoning.