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华生见他这种坚韧不拔的勇气,不由得展出笑容。Watson smiled at the man's unfaltering courage.

如果你有坚定的决心,你就一定会成功!You will make it if you have unfaltering determination.

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我的信仰不会动摇,我会一直忠于我之前表达过的理想。My convictions are unfaltering. I remain true to the ideals I have expressed.

她总是用着一种沉着而不动摇的勇气去对付将来。Always she was content to face the future with a serene and unfaltering courage.

开设欧盟的办公室,是我们对利比亚人民支持的信号。Opening an EU office is an important signal of our unfaltering support for the Libyan people.

相信别人,包括相信欺骗过你的人,自己的胸怀是敞开的,自己的耳朵是倾听的,这样才能够一步步地走向成功。Unfaltering trust in others, especially in those who played tricks on you once, is an open-minded way to success.

无敌对主人的无上忠诚导致了它的逝去和邪恶的重生。It was Invincible's unfaltering faith in his master that inevitably led to the stallion's death and unholy rebirth.

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一个永恒不变的真理,走进坟墓就像一个人掩上他床边的帷幕,然后躺下进入愉快的梦乡。By an unfaltering truth, approach thy grave like one that wraps the drapery of his couch, about him, and lies down to pleasant dreams.

在每集的最后,约旦和里兹总能相互理解、展现出母亲和女儿之间深深的爱。At the end of each episode, Jo and Lizzie tend to come to an understanding and portray the unfaltering love of a mother-daughter relationship.

但海伦毫不动摇地相信,这与姑娘家出嫁一样地简单而且自然,这信心便也对要员起了作用。But Ellen's unfaltering confidence in asserting that it was a matter as simple and natural as the marriage of an unmarried girl had its effect on him too.

这里的景致与当前塞恩斯伯里超市打出的有杰米·詹姆斯*的广告里景致一般无二,不同的是这里地毯式覆盖的驴蹄草已经顽强地生长了好几个世纪了。The place looked not unlike Jamie Oliver's current Sainsbury's advertisement, only these cowslips were in an unfaltering carpet and had been there for centuries.

根据传统储蓄理论,由于居民的储蓄存款不能得到安全保障,因而不可能转化为稳定的投资,经济增长也被限制在一个较低的水平上。Conventional saving theory shows that deposit cannot convert to unfaltering invest because of the absence of protection. As a result, the economy growth is limited to a low level.

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无论是在战争时期还是在和平时期,我们的退伍军人一直在艰难的困境中以勇气和荣誉为国服务,表现出对美国和美国人民毫不动摇的忠诚。In times of war and peace alike, our veterans have served with courage and distinction in the face of tremendous adversity, demonstrating an unfaltering commitment to America and our people.

我们的祖先作出了极大贡献,我坚信,有了坚持不懈的献身精神和永久的耐心,现代中国人也一定能够做到。Given the remarkable contributions by our ancestors, I strongly believe that modern Chinese scientists can also make outstanding achievements through persistent devotion and unfaltering patience.

第一,我们将继续坚决支持联合国及其有关机构,我们将继续千方百计加强它们的权威,提高它们的效率。First. We will continue to give unfaltering support to the United Nations and related agencies, and we will continue to search for ways to strengthen their authority and increase their effectiveness.