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我将不再害怕。I will be unafraid.

就是为了今天,我会尽力心强志坚。Just fot today I will be unafraid.

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将继续奔跃,骄傲的,无惧的。Will go on prancing, proud and unafraid.

不过谷歌是一家不怕实验的公司。Google, though, is a company unafraid to experiment.

他在困难面前毫不怯懦。In the face of difficulties, he's completely unafraid.

她是个很有魄力的知识分子,不惧怕说出自己的想法。She was a forceful intellectual unafraid to speak her mind.

但是大卫王不怕问,“耶和华啊,你为什么站在远处?But King David was unafraid to ask, "Why, O Lord, do you stand far off?

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游行者,其中很多是跪著的,他们回看著警察,既无畏惧,也不动摇。The marchers, many of them on their knees, stared back, unafraid and unmoving.

如意却是毫无惧意指责太子私入晋王付有失礼节。Happiness is unafraid accused prince private into jin wang pay beneath etiquette.

我又瘦又憔悴,破布缠着我的脚,但是那女孩好像不怕我。I was thin and gaunt, with rags wrapped around my feet, but the girl looked unafraid.

萧青阳勇于敞开心房接受任何发现创意精髓的可能性。Shout is unafraid to open his mind to all possibilities to find the heart of a concept.

在我的生命旅途中,我迷失方向…睁开眼,发现自己走进一片黑森林。Now thinking back the course of any passion. I was like one blind, unafraid of the dark.

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小泉先生让日本对于一个更加果断、不畏做决策的领单人翘首以盼。Mr. Koizumi also whetted Japan's appetite for more decisive leaders unafraid to make tough choices.

年仅十五岁的她,为什么会在铡刀面前坚贞不屈、视死如归呢?She was only fifteen years old, why would the guillotine before the unyielding, unafraid of death it?

他已经不再年轻,不因为失败而屈服,不畏惧责任并且渴望成为伟大的人。It was of the man, no longer young, unbowed by defeat, unafraid of responsibility, and eager for greatness.

艾博总是跟我们说他不会上锁,他说这表明他是多么信任我们,对我们多么没有戒心。Which Abnesti always made a point of not keeping locked, to show how much he trusted and was unafraid of us.

你想要赶走那只老鼠,可是那只老鼠却还是悠哉悠哉的不怕人,平时可能都没有赶牠吧!We tried to drive it away, but it was unafraid and did not budge. It had probably never been driven away before.

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日本人侵略中国本是有错在先,姚珂毫无惧色将顾一男骂了个狗头淋血。This is Chinese Japanese aggression was wrong earlier, Yao Ke Gu Yinan will be unafraid to scold a dog with blood.

穆里尼奥表示,像他的前任拉涅利一样,他也不怕耗尽阿布拉莫维奇的支票。Mourinho has shown, like his predecessor Claudio Ranieri, that he's unafraid to make full use of Abramovich chequebook.

你也许属于赫奇帕奇,那里的人正直忠诚,赫奇帕奇的学子们坚忍诚实,不畏惧艰辛的劳动。You might belong in Hufflepuff, Where they are just and loyal, Those patient Hufflepuffis are true And unafraid of toil.