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◎底比斯,卡纳克大神庙。Great temple at Karnak, Thebes.

七门底比斯之城何人所造Who built the seven gates of Thebes?

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泰瑞西斯是位只能看见黑暗的底比斯先知。Tiresias was a blind, dark seeing prophet of Thebes.

我说过,我的艰辛是在底比斯的一座花园里开始的。My travails, I have said, began in a garden in Thebes.

安提戈涅的婚姻是值得更多的底比斯比她的死因。Antigone's marriage is worth more to Thebes than her death.

很久以前,我俄狄浦斯是忒拜的国王。Once upon a time ago, in Thebes i am king, Oedipus the king.

埃及的皇家陵墓位于尼罗河的底比斯。Across the river Nile from Thebes lies Egypt's royal burial ground.

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在底比斯一建筑里有一幅这样操作的图片。There is a picture of this operation on one of the buildings at Thebes.

他住在巴黎,比住在底比斯沙漠里的隐士生活还要孤独。He lived in Paris more lonely than an anchorite in the deserts of Thebes.

很快,性急的阿波罗借着云彩的掩护来到了底比斯城外。Before long, the impatient Apollo arrived outside Thebes in hidden clouds.

他的叔叔沙巴卡在古孟菲斯和底比斯建立了一个努比亚王朝。His uncle Shabaka had established a Nubian presence in Memphis and Thebes.

该地区及其周围覆盖的地方,一旦站在底比斯城。The area covers and surrounds the place where the city of Thebes once stood.

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红色花岗岩是常用的官员在底比斯为石棺高。Red granite was commonly used in Thebes for the sarcophagi of high officials.

这是曾在底比斯神殿里当过歌手的赛潘姆特木乃伊。The mummy is that of Shepenmut who was once a singer in the Temple of Thebes.

古希腊底比斯城长着双翼的斯芬克斯也许是希腊神话中最知名的怪物。The winged Sphinx of Thebes was probably the best-known monster in Greek mythology.

俄狄浦斯没走多远的途中,当他看到一底比斯车朝他走来。Oedipus had not gone far on his way to Thebes when he saw a cart coming towards him.

他们一直坐在他们自己的王位上的33世纪的底比斯墓地。They have been seated on their thrones for 33 centuries at the Necropolis of Thebes.

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他们协助卡德摩斯建造了一座城,称之为底比斯。These five joined with Cadmus in building his city, to which they gave the name of Thebes.

雷托此时正站在山顶上俯视底比斯城,当她看到这一幕,她决心要“以牙还牙”。Standing on top of a hill overlooking Thebes , Leto saw all this and was ready to pay back.

而两座神圣的首都纳帕塔和底比斯自然引起了塔哈尔卡的注意。Inevitably the two holy capitals of Thebes and Napata received the bulk of Taharqa’s attention.