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你已经知道了,我自己转移注意力的方法就是熨衣服。You already know that my diversion is ironing.

小比利既让我感到不再无聊,又是一个旅伴。Billy Boy was both a diversion and a fellow traveler.

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那支你以为是敌军疑兵而不加注意的部队其实是攻击主力。The enemy diversion you are ignoring is the main attack.

那支你以为是敌军疑兵而不加注意的部队,恰恰就是敌人的攻击主力。The enemy diversion you're ignoring is their main attack.

微通道是从原来的公共汽车的完全的消遣。MicroChannel is a complete diversion from the original bus.

一方面要把长江之水带入汉江。One side diversion brings water from the Yangtze to the Han.

她也是位机车骑士,爱车为山叶跃马900。She is also a motorcyclist and rides a Yamaha Diversion 900.

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向北京引水更会增加许多压力。The diversion of water to Beijing will add to the pressures.

车辆改道是因为干道上发生了交能事故。The traffic diversion was due to an accident on the mainroad.

公司政策原因不能盘旋进近。请示备降。Unable circling approach due company policy. Request diversion.

目前而言,还不清楚输水的做法是否经济。Right now, it is unclear whether water diversion is economical".

有一位教我们时间很短的家庭老师,这样的行为就是他最得意的消遣。We had for a short time a tutor of whom this was a pet diversion.

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分蓄洪区是平原防洪的一种重要措施。Flood diversion and storage areas are very important to flood control.

发完论文准备开始的时候,玛莉莎希望来点儿娱乐性的东西。As she finished and prepared to begin, Marissa hoped for any diversion.

分水工程价格不菲,而海水脱盐淡化的价格在下降。Water diversion is not cheap, but the price of desalination is falling.

给水设施除先前已有的水井、水池外,偃师商城新发现了注水渠这种给水设施。Except the well and pond, diversion canal was found in Yanshi Shang City.

齐塔人能否告诉我们Elenin彗星是否是用来转移注意力的虚假情报?Could the Zetas tell us if Comet Elenin is disinformation and a diversion?

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高额关税常使贸易由一国转向另一国。High tariffs often cause a diversion of trade from one country to another.

历险是种暖身活动、一种娱乐,能将注意力从一般商业活动上移开。It's the warm-up, the entertainment, the diversion from business-as-usual.

本装置也可以应用于长输水管道抽水站及引水工程。It can also be used in pumping station and diversion works with long pipes.