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眼见为实。See for yourselves.

去研究自己。To study yourselves.

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相信你们自己。Believe in yourselves.

我们将会研究你们自己。We'll study yourselves.

你们自己想想为什么。Figure out why yourselves.

你们洗个澡,换件衣服。Now wash and dress yourselves.

你们可以自己选择。You can choose for yourselves.

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背对背!把你们自己包起来!Back to back! Wrap yourselves up!

请你们排成行。Please form yourselves into line.

现在你可以自己去观察了。Now you can observe it by yourselves.

你们是如此频繁地怀疑自己。You so often have doubted yourselves.

请同学们给你们自己来一圈掌声。Give yourselves a big round of applause.

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请坐,自己取用些点心吃吧!Take a , and help yourselves some snacks.

最好坐好。Make yourselves as comfortable as you can.

仿效巴黎,就会使你破产。Imitate Paris and you will ruin yourselves.

不要和别人讨论,这算违规Don't talk among yourselves that's cheating.

请大家在房间里各自分散开来。Everybody, space yourselves out in the room.

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你们必须自己商量解决这件事。You must settle the matter among yourselves.

别让腐朽的思想侵蚀你。Don't let decadent ideas eat into yourselves.

为了感谢你们能亲赴沙场参战。For presenting yourselves on this battlefield.