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好的。谢谢。给我们来两只巴黎水。Yes. Thank you. We have two perrier water.

佩绿雅不再仅仅是一瓶水。Perrier was no longer just a bottle of water.

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请在我的沛绿雅中放一片柠檬,谢谢!Please put one slice of lemon in my Perrier . Thank you!

要不要点斯巴克林水、依云水或巴黎水?Would you like sparkling mineral water , Evian or Perrier ?

我们的早餐不包括巴黎水,如果您要,要另外付钱。The breakfast no served perrier , if you want it your have to pay some money.

“佩绿雅已经成了一个象征”米歇尔·贝拉斯——饮料合作市场的主席这样说到。"Perrier became a badge," says Michael Bellas, chairman of the Beverage Marketing Corporation.

上部放上巴黎水泡沫,这种泡沫使鸡尾酒看起来是乳状泡沫质地,非常可口。Top with the Perrier foam. The foam gives a creamy frothy texture to the cocktail, it's delicious!

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面对这样的障碍,佩绿雅决定打破常规,它的广告作战完全颠覆了消费者观念。Faced with such obstacles, Perrier turned to advertising with a campaign that was to change our consumer landscape for ever.

面对这样的障碍,佩绿雅决定打破常规,它的广告作战完全颠覆了消费者观念。Faced with such obstacles, Perrier turned to advertising with a campaign that was to change our consumer landscape for ever."The

事实上,上周四,东京市民急于清理下架瓶装水,留下一些商店只昂贵的佩里耶瓶。Indeed, on Thursday, anxious Tokyo citizens cleaned bottled water off shelves, leaving only bottles of expensive Perrier in some stores.

她将车开到出口匝道并且停了下来,那个特工在她后面停了下来,她下车后冲他大喊,手里挥舞着一个玻璃矿泉水瓶。She took an exit ramp and stopped, and when he pulled up behind her, she got out of her car to yell at him, shaking a glass Perrier bottle in her hand.