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这些知识是隐含的、事先未知的、潜在的、有用的信息。This knowledge is connotative , unknown, potential and usable information.

人们注重外在的修饰,更加注意内涵的丰富。Couples not only focus on extrinsic decoration, but also connotative colorfulness.

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职业教育集团化的进程已经进入内涵发展的阶段。The vocational education group has come into the period of connotative development.

还应该是强调隐含的价值趋向于不同的语言进行比较。Yet, it should be stressed that the connotative value tends to differ in languages compared.

塔尔科夫斯基电影观所包含的丰富内容和深刻内涵必将为我们提供有益的借鉴和启示。The abundance content and connotative meaning of Tarkovsky's movie view is very helpful for us.

数据挖掘是从大规模的数据中抽取非平凡的、隐含的、未知的、有潜在使用价值的信息的过程。Data mining is a process of learning and gaining connotative and valuable information from large scale data.

植物名词的文化内涵意义可根据其功能特点进行分类。The cultural connotative meaning of plant nouns can be classified according to their functional characteristics.

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被表现为个体的男人没有细节,他没有头发,皮肤是光滑的,只具有人的基本特征。He does not have any connotative detail, his head is glabrous, his skin is diaphanous , it is the essence of a man.

联想意义是进入话语实现其交际功能的心理学基础,具有十分重要的价值。Connotative meaning, which is the psychological basis of discourse and communication, is of great pragmatical value.

我英语目前欠缺的是完整理解单词的隐含意义的能力。My current problem with the English language is the ability to understand the complete connotative meanings of words.

“敌我矛盾”的概念在内涵和外延上都存在严重缺陷。There are both denotative and connotative defects in the concept of "contradictions between ourselves and the enemy".

教师角色具有理念性、系统性、实践性、主体性、创造性等内涵性特征。The role of teachers has the connotative characteristics of conception, system, practice, subjectivity and creativity.

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目前,意汉词汇的文化伴随意义研究还处于空白状态。However, the study on cultural connotative meaning between Italian and Chinese color words is still in its infant stage.

文中以句法视野解读聚落空间形态,以探讨其隐含的文化与社会本性。This article interprets settlement spatial form in syntactical view to discuss its connotative culture and social nature.

在理论上对此展开研究,首先要解决行政诉讼非法证据的内涵界定。To study this issue in theory, the connotative definition of illegal evidence in administrative lawsuit must be set first.

颜色词作为一类特殊的词存在于语言之中,因其富含文化内涵意义和联想意义而又被称为文化负载词。Classified into a special lexical group known as culture-loaded words, color words are rich in cultural connotative meanings.

由于汉民族文化与西方文化在各个方面存在差异,使得汉英词语文化内涵意义没有完全、决定的对应。The difference exist in many ways which leads to the different cultural connotative meaning between Chinese and English words.

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而要走内涵式发展的道路就必须研究和加强公安管理,加大警力资源管理与开发的力度。As far as the connotative development is concerned, strengthening the administration and exploitation of police resource is a must.

医疗设备内涵建设是新时期设备建设与发展的重要方面。Connotative constuction of medical equipment is an important aspect in the construction and development of equipment in the new era.

作为产品形态本身,不只向人传达它自身的功能价值,更传达的是一种内涵的精神,作为精神的载体出现在人的面前。As for product form, it is the spiritual carrier, which not only conveys the functional value of itself, but also the connotative spirit.