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你是我认识的人中最高深莫测的人。You’re the most enigmatic person I know.

我喜欢我的表姐,喜欢她那谜一样的性格。I like my cousin, like her enigmatic character.

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溶洞密布、湖水相通、神秘莫测。The lake is linked to many enigmatic karst caves.

诡秘通常集中在她那神秘莫测的微笑里。Intrigue is usually focused on her enigmatic smile.

它是地球上最神秘的史前遗迹。It’s the most enigmatic pre-historic monument on earth.

是斑驳油彩还是一个带有神秘微笑的女人?As blobs of paint or as a woman with an enigmatic smile?

谜样的百慕大三角洲准备接受彻底大搜查。Bermuda enigmatic Delta is prepared to accept the complete Crook.

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难道这就是列奥纳多之所以赋予画中人如此神秘的微笑的原因?Could this be why Leonardo gave the subject such an enigmatic smile?

让人不解的是本章不知什么原因多部分是用黄色高亮显示的。It is enigmatic why parts of this chapter are highlighted in yellow.

纳纳那张不可思议的脸孔,是杨纳画风的一大特色。Nana's enigmatic face is a major feature of Yang Na's painting style.

水象星座的特质使蝎子有些神秘。Scorpio is a Water element, and this makes it a somewhat enigmatic sign.

从此以后,他在建筑界一直是一个谜一样的人物。Since then he has been an enigmatic figure at the field of architecture.

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神秘的海洋,肖恩菲尔德,谁的呼号“稻草人去。”The enigmatic Marine, Shane Schofield, who goes by the call-sign "Scarecrow."

阿内尔卡是法国队比较莫名其妙的人物,人们对他的看法不一。Nicolas Anelka is an enigmatic figure in French football, who divides opinion.

在塞巴斯蒂安这出戏中,她一直饰演了一个时隐时现的、有点象谜一样的脚色。She has played an intermittent and somewhat enigmatic part in Sebastian's drama.

对于大部分来说,双子座人神秘的双重性格让人难以琢磨。The enigmatic dual nature of a Gemini man is hard to comprehend for most people.

乍见时的喜悦过后,路易斯发现他谜一样的新娘竟带给他无尽困扰。After Luis's initial delight, he finds that his enigmatic new bride brings trouble.

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嗜碱性细胞于十九世纪七十年代被发现,一直以来是最难被理解的免疫细胞。Discovered in the late 1870s, basophils remain among the most enigmatic immune cells.

可以肯定的是,他比我想象中的更加神秘,但是我仍旧不能动摇逃离他的念头。To be sure, he is more enigmatic than I thought, but I still can't shake loose from him.

还有许多毫无表情、似笑非笑的脸,也是他在家里常常看见的。In addition, he also frequently encountered a number of expressionless, enigmatic visages.